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My brother had called later that night and said that after Magcon that day everyone got two weeks to come back home. I basically screamed when I heard the news. 

Now, at 2 in the morning. Three hours before I was supposed to pick the Jacks up from the airport, I was making a vlog. 

"Hey whats up guys! It's Danny G, back today. It is currently two in the morning. And I'm supposed to go and get my brother and Johnson from the airport in about three hours. But I couldn't fall asleep, so here I am." I said.  "And I'm just gonna vlog my day. And I'm about to start getting ready cause It takes about an hour to get to the airport." I grabbed the camera and carried it downstairs. 

"So my parents decided that they were gonna leave the house to us for the next two weeks. So they left last night and are in Illinois with family. And now I'm gonna make some cereal."


After an hour and a half of getting ready I left and arrived twenty minutes before they were supposed to land. I sat down in a chair by their gate. 

"So I have about twenty minutes to kill before they land. And I kinda wanna get Starbucks." I looked over my shoulder at the Starbucks. "Let's do it."

I went over and ordered drinks for the Jack's and I.

"Okay, So I see a plane pulling up to the gate." I smiled. "They're in first class so they should be the first one's off the plane." I said. 

"Flight 2248 from Italy, now unboarding."

"Here they come!" I squealed. 

As I assumed they were the first ones off.

"Jacks!" I said and hugged my brother then Johnson. "Say hi to the vlog."

"Hi vlog." Johnson smiled and waved. 

"Let's go." My brother said. I turned the camera off and handed them their drinks. "Thanks." 

My brother kissed my forehead. JJ smiled at me. Once we got to the car they started putting their luggage in the trunk. I turned my camera on and took a breath. 

"So here we are in my car, the guys are putting their bags in the trunk. And we're gonna head home, then probably sleep. Hopefully. If I fall asleep I'll vlog later in the day with the Jack's."

The back door opened and my brother climbed in.

Then JJ got in the front seat.

"We good?" I asked. 

"Yeah." My brother said, laying across the backseat.

"Okay, well here we go." I turned off the camera. 

I started the car and pulled out of the parking space. 

After about ten minutes my brother was passed out in the back seat. 

"He looks dead." Johnson whispered. 

"Well I wouldn't blame him." I said. "You guys had Magcon then stuck on a plane for thirteen hours."

"I'm not tired. If anything I'm more awake."

I set my right hand on the center console​. Jack put his hand next to my, inching towards it. In a mater of seconds his finger and mine were strung together.

"Jack, my brother." I said, pulling away.

"He's asleep Danielle." He begged.

He intertwined our fingers again.

"I feel dirty."

"Did you get my gift?" He changed the subject.

"Yeah." I smiled. "I loved it."

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