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I woke up later in a hospital bed. I sat up quickly and took a breath in. 

"Shit. Shit. Shit." I pressed the buzzer for the nurse. She came right away.

"Hey Danielle, how are you feeling."

"I have got to get out of here."

"Your friends are out in the hall."

"No!" I said. "Don't let them in."

"Why not?"

"I have to get out of here."

"Let me run checks are your aunt can sign you out."

"You need to get those boys out of here though."

"I can try." 

"Thank you so much."

"Okay, you're good, you just need to wear this boot for the next two weeks."

"Shit." I said as I looked at my foot.

"Let me go get those boys out of here. I'll send you aunt in."

She walked out and my aunt stepped out.

"Who's here?" I asked. 

"Sammy, J, Skate, Madison and Taylor."

"No no no." I said. I stood and looked out the window. "I'm on the first floor. I can sneak outta here."

She gave me my keys. I gave her cheek a kiss. I pushed the window opened a climbed out. I searched for my car and found it. I got inside and started it up. The boot was on my left foot. I backed out and drove off. I found a hotel in the next town over. When I got there I got a room and called Skate.


"Skate. Are you near the boys?" 

"No. I'm in the waiting room, they all went back to your aunts house."

"I'm at the Hinton Hotel in the next town over. Room 303, Fourth floor."

"I'll be right there."

I hung up and locked the door. I threw my phone and keys on the dresser. I paced back and forth until I heard a knock. I went over and looked through the peep whole. I saw Skate. I opened the door and pulled him through, then shut it and locked it. 

"Are you okay?" He asked. 

"I'm fine." I said and ran my hand through my nappy hair. 

"I'm so sorry." He said. 

"We need a new plan." I said. 

"Your aunt told everyone you'd be back tomorrow and that they couldn't visit you anymore."

I turned around and paced. 

"I need clothes." I said. "And a shower." I pulled a leaf out of my hair. 

"I brought a bag. You can use some of mine." Skate said. "They're in my car."


He walked out and I shut the door. I kicked off my right shoe and sat on the bed. I waited for him to come back up. 

"Here." He said handing me a magcon shirt and sweatpants. 

"I don't know what I was thinking. " I said. 

"What do you mean?"

"I ran, not to keep the plan. I was afraid. Afraid of what to say."

"Let go get you in the bath." He said. 

He brought me into the bathroom and started the bathwater. I sat on the edge. He lifted my shirt over my head. 

"Is Jack on his way?" I asked. 

He nodded as he unlatched my boot. I stood, not putting weight on my ankle. I held on to the door. He unbuttoned my pants and lowered them. 

"I feel so ridiculous." I said. 


"I made a fool of myself in front of the world. I don't know why I thought being with J was okay."

I stepped out of my jeans.

"I'm gonna step out. Tell me when you're done." Skate said. He shut the door. 


When I was done Skate helped me get dressed. I put my hair in a wet, messy bun. I laid on the bed in his shirt and sweatpants. He slipped his shirt over his head as his phone started ringing. I watched as he picked it up. 

"Yeah, I just got a hotel room. Thought you guys should have the beds. No, it's cool. Jack's there?" He said. "Well I'll see you guys in the morning." 

He hung up.

"My brothers here?"

He nodded. 

"God, how did things get so screwed up!" I sat up.

He sat down next to me, "I have no idea."

"Is this even a good idea anymore?"

"I don't know. Are you ready to tell them?"

"No, but I have to."

"Look, get some sleep and we can figure this out in the morning."

I nodded. 


I was asleep until one o' clock when there was banging on the door. I sat up and groaned. 

"Skate." I said. 

"I got it." 

He stood and went to the door. He looked through the peep whole. 

"It's your brother." He whispered. 


I fixed the bed and then slid under the bed. 

Skate opened the door, "What are you doing here?"

My brother pushed past him, "I know my sister's here."

"You're wrong."

"I have a tracker on her phone." He said and searched the room. He stopped at the nightstand and picked up my phone.

"I held on to it for her while she's at the hospital."

"Her cars here too."

"Are you sure it was hers, it's very dark."

"Where's my sister man."

"She's not here."

A tear slid down my face.

"Then where is she?"

"At the hospital, until tomorrow."

"If she doesn't arrive home tomorrow. You're so screwed." Jack said and pushed him. 

He walked out and Skate locked the door.

"You can come out."

I slid out from underneath the bed.


"You need to see him tomorrow."

"I will." I said. 

He turned away from me, I made him look at me. 

"After tomorrow, this is all over. You get to go home. And you don't have to deal with it anymore."

"Get some sleep."

kinda forgot to mention there is only 2 more chapters left :))

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