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When I woke up I was in my room,  sleeping next to Johnson. The sun wasn't up outside yet. I checked the side table and saw my phone.  I pressed the home button and it said it was only four in the morning.

I threw my legs over the side of the bed. I walked quietly over to the bathroom.  I turned on the light,  shutting the door.  I looked in the mirror and saw someone had wiped the smeared make up off my face.  I turned the light back off and walked over to my suite case.  I grabbed out  a sweater and and sweatpants.  I changed into them then slid my brothers sweatshirt over my head. 

I slipped on my shoes and grabbed my phone and a key.  I quietly walked out of the room. As I walked past Aaron's room I heard talking.  I put my ear against the door.

That's when I realized it was moans and not talking.  I stepped back from the door and walked down the hall. I took the elevator to the lobby.  The clerk smiled at me as I stepped out.

I walked through the lobby to the outside. I called a taxi.

As soon as they arrived I climbed in.

"Where to?" The man asked.

"Eiffel Tower please." I answered.

He nodded and pulled into the road. I stared at the window as he drove.  Finally he pulled over and I handed him cash.

I stepped out into the brisk midnight air.

"Let's do this." I said to myself as I started towards the elevators.

I pressed the button and waited.  As soon as it opened people stepped out and I stepped in. I road it to the top and stepped out.

I stood, right where Matthew and I had danced. I took a breathe in and walked over to the edge. I leaned against it and stared at the peak of the sun.

It kept rising,  inch by inch in the sky. I couldn't wait until I was back home. Away from the stupid boys.

"I love you babygirl,  remember that." Aaron had whispered to me last night.

Yeah right,  just another fuck boy. I took another breath in as the sun had finally come all the way up. I let the breath go and pushed myself from the edge.

"'Till next time Paris." I whispered and walked away. 


Later that day I was in my room packing for Italy. My brother was in the bathroom taking a shower, while Johnson was also packing his bag. The room was silent except the shower running.

"Danielle you haven't said anything like all day, are you okay?" J broke the silence.

"I'm fine." I lied, violently folding a shirt and shoving it in my suite case.

"Danny you can tell me, I promise."

"I said I'm fine!" I snapped.

I dropped the jeans in my hands and broke down crying, Johnson dropped his stuff and rushed to my side. I cried into his shoulder.

"Shhh its okay. Its okay." He rubbed circles on my back.

We stood in that stance for a couple minutes. Until I pulled away and wiped my face.

"What's wrong?" He asked. 

"I wanna go home. I don't wanna go to Italy anymore."


"Magcon is not for me, as much as I wanna stay. I can't. And I think matthew should stay. He's more famous than me."

J stared at me until my brother walked out.

"What's up?" He asked, feeling the slight tension in the room.

"I wanna go home." I annouced.

"Are you sure?"

I nodded, "And I don't want the other guys to know until after I'm gone."

"I mean I guess I can get you a ticket for today. And we'll fly to Italy tomorrow."

"Thanks Jack." I hugged him.

"It's the least I could do after the whole incident."

"Thanks." I whispered again.

1) I have a teen wolf fan fiction
2) what are some good shows to watch (besides PLL. Teen Wolf. Riverdale. Gossip Girl and The Fosters?

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