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I put on a dress for Taylor's date. I had spandex underneath. I put on vans and did my hair. Then my make up.

Taylor knocked on the door. I went out with him. He'd brought me to a Canadian pizza place. It was really good.

Afterward it was raining. We walked under the awnings to the hotel. Taylor had my hand in his tight grip.

"How good was that pizza?" He asked.

"It was amazing." I smiled. "But the waitress seemed a bit too interested in you."

He laughed, "Funny. I thought she was a dude."

"Its name was Isabel. You can't get a girlier name then Isabel."

We laughed. He jumped into a puddle. It splashed me. I laughed and jumped into one.

"Oh you've done it." He said, tickling me.

I laughed. He stopped. My hands were on his shoulders. His hands on my hips.

He leaned in and set a kiss on my lips. I kissed back.

We pulled apart.

"Now I have something else."

"I thought you said it was just lunch."

"Nah." He said. "Do you like trampolines?"


He smiled, "you'll love it."

He pulled me, I laughed as he did. He pulled me into a building. I looked around and saw a room full of big trampolines.


"Yeah." He said. "Lets go."

He pulled me. We took off our shoes and got on. We jumped together. Then I pushed him down. He grabbed my leg out from underneath me and I fell on him. I laughed as people bounced around us.

"This is amazing."

"I know."

I smiled and got up, pulling him with.

We did that for about another hour then left. We went to his hotel room. It was four in the afternoon.

He pulled me inside. We were wet because of the rain.

"That was so much fun."

"You hear that Matthew?" Taylor teased. "I told you trampolines were fun."

"Yeah, Yeah I get it."

"Hey." I pointed at him. "You have Paris."

He laughed.

"I'm gonna go change." I said standing up. "Thanks again Tay."

He smiled. I walked out and to my hotel room. Johnson was laying in a bed in basketball shorts on, with his glasses.

"Cute." I said touching his glasses.

"How was the date?" He asked.



I changed in the bathroom, then laid down next to Jack.

"Where's my brother?"

"Somewhere with Shawn."

I nodded, I closed my eyes. I slowly fell asleep.


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