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We flew to Toronto, Canada. We were in Canada!

I was walking in the park. By myself of course. I admired the brick bridge.

Then I felt arm around my waist. I giggle and turned. I saw Matthew.

"How ya doing?" He laughed, pushing hair out of my face.

"Where are the other guys?"

"Hotel. I ditched." He said.

I smiled. "Matthew I need to talk to you."

"Okay. Talk." He said as he started walking.

"Okay. Well I know you like me. All the other guys do too." I said. "And I need to be able to trust you with this."

"You can, I promise."

"Johnson and I kissed."

"You kissed Johnson!?" He said. "Your brother would kill you guys."

"I also kissed Taylor and Aaron."

"Ouch. Sounds like a problem."

"Well no Shit."

He laughed, "Well I'm not trying to be bias. But maybe you should give me a date."

"So I'm just gonna date all the guys?"

"No." He said. "But you gave me an idea. Go on a date with all of us. Then narrow it down to about five. Then two. Then one. And bam."

I smiled, "that's a good idea."

"Of course it is." He took my hand and started running.

"Where are we going?"

"To the hotel to set it up."

I laughed as he dragged me. Finally we got back to the Hotel. We went to his room. He pulled out a poster board.

"Okay." He said. "We'll write down everyone old enough. Even Johnson."

I chuckled and sat on his bed.

He continued to write.

"Okay, so we have Johnson, me, Taylor, Ethan, Grayson, JC, Kian, Dylan, Sammy, Cameron, Nash, Carter, Shawn, and I guess Hayes. Because he's sixteen now."

"Nash and Hayes?" I asked.

"Its like you're gonna marry them." He said.

"True, True."

"Hey are Brandon and Hunter Rowland coming?"

"Yeah, but not until Paris."

"Paris!?!?" I yelled. "We're going to Paris!?!?"

"Yeah. Next weeks baby."

"I want your date to be in Paris." I said.

"Done." He replied.

He wrote down when and where there date would be.

"You already went on a date with Aaron. So we're gonna count it."

"Okay, perfect. Who's next?"

"Taylor. Tomorrow."

"You gotta tell everyone first." I said.

"Yeah, but they'll say yes."

Aaron and Taylor walked in.

"What's going on?" Aaron asked.

"Uhm. I'm hungry. I'm going to get food. Matt tell them the plan."

"What plan?" Taylor asked as I walked out.

I ride the elevator down. I went to a fast food place by the hotel and got food.

When I got back I went to Matt's room. He was laying in the bed. His eyes closed. Taylor was watching tv and Jacob and Blake were on the couch, on their phones.

I ran and jumped on Matthew.

"Wake up." I giggled, poking his face.

He groaned and flipped over, "Five more minutes."

"Ugh. You're no fun." I said.

I stood and sat by Taylor.


"Dannyyyyyyyy." He mocked.

"Why are y'all just sitting around?" I rolled over.

"Because Canada is literally the boringest place ever."

"No it's not."

"Ever been to Paris or Australia?"


"Exactly. I've been to both. Canada is boring."

I rolled my eyes and stood.

"By the way. Don't get too fancy for our date tomorrow."

"Date?" Blake asked. "You give him a date but not me?"

"You're two years younger, not happening." I said.

"What about me!" Jacob whined

"You're four years younger. That's worse."

He glared. I blew a kiss and walked out. I walked on Cam's room. I jumped on a bed, I landed on top of Nash.

"Ow." He groaned.

I started laughing really hard. I rolled over and fell off the bed. Nash started laughing.

"Having fun?" He asked, looking over the side.

"A blast." I joked.

He smiled. He helped me up.

"Did Matt talk to you?"

"Yep. I get you in Italy."

"Italy?" I said. "Don't get me pizza."


"No. For God's sake. You should know I love pizza and will eat it anywhere."

"Yeah I know but you had me convinced." He said, poking my face.

"I'm really excited for these dates, who do you think will win?"

"If it's not me." Nash said. "Then it's definitely Matt who wins."

"You think so?"

He nodded, "For God's sake his date is in Paris."

"Actually. I told him it had to be him."


"I don't know..."


i really like this book but no one is reading it........

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