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It was tomorrow night. My brother had gone out and bought me a bunch of dresses to choose from.

I didn't know which one though. Finally I chose a white one with a gold belt.

I put it on. Then I curled my hair. I slipped on black heels and grabbed my black and white clutch purse.

"Do I look okay?" I asked the Jack's.

"You look fine." My brother assured me.


He was staring at me, "you look hot." He druled.

"Ew, gross dude." My brother said.

There was a knock at the door.

"That's him. You ready?" My brother asked.


I walked over and opened the door.

"Whoa." Matthew said. "Whoa."

I smiled. We walked out and ride the elevator down.

"Where to first?" I asked.

Matthew smiled and pulled me outside. There was a horse carriage outside.

"Awe it's a pony!" I said.

He laughed. We walked over and got in. After about fifteen minutes it stopped on front of a French food place.

I mean of course it was french, but it looked fancy.

We walked in.

"Espinosa for two." Matthew said. I admired the place.

The lady showed us to our seats.

We ordered.

"This is amazing Matthew." I said. "It's beautiful."

"This isn't it hun. Just the food." He said.

I smiled.

Our food came and we ate.

"Try this." I said putting French noodles on my fork. I fed it to Matthew.

"It's amazing." He said.

We started laughing.

When we finished we got back in the horse carriage. I snuggled up to Matthew because I was cold.

"I knew you'd get cold." He said pulling out a jacket.

He wrapped it around me. I slipped my arms into it.

"I don't know how you're gonna beat that French place."

The carriage stopped. I looked up and saw the Eiffel tower.

"With that." He whispered.

I smiled. We got out. We rode and elevator up to the top. There was a table, some people playing French music.

"Dessert?" Matthew asked pulling me to the table.

We sat and he opened the platter. Inside was one slice of cake.

He took some on a fork and fed it to me.

"Chocolate." I said. "It's amazing."

He laughed.

We fed each other, it kinda failed though. Most of it was on the table and the floor.

"Wanna dance?" He asked.

I stood. He pulled me close and we slow danced. The city lights of Paris around us.

He spun me around.

"Matthew." I said. "I think I've already chosen the one I want."

He spun me again.

"And who's that?"

He dipped me.


He smiled and kissed me. We stood up straight and we danced some more.

Then we stood by the edge, his arm around me.

"It's beautiful."

"But it doesn't compare to you." Matthew said.

I smiled. I leaned in and kissed him with as much passion as I could.

"Matthew." I said.


"I love you."


this won't last that long, trust me

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