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When Jack said what he said, he truly meant it and was enforcing it. He stuck Aaron on my watch and Taylor on J's watch. And when we flew to our next destination I had to sit at the back of 1st class, and J sat at the front.

I got sat between Aaron and Sammy. J was sat between Cam and Taylor.

When we got to the hotel I was shoved in a room with Sammy.

"This is so unfair." I said, anger rising inside of me.

"Jack is just trying to protect you."

"What's the point in being here!?"

"To meet your fans." I sighed and sat down next to him.

"Can I tell you something?" I asked.


"Swear you won't tell anyone. Especially Jack."

"Of course."

"Remember that party where you guys all got drunk?"

He nodded.

"Me and J, we had sex." I admitted.

His expression fell, "Danielle!"

"I know, It was stupid." I said and stood again.

"Why in the hell would you do that!?!?!"

"I just, I wanted to know he liked me as much as I liked him."

"I'm sorry to say this, but I'm on your brothers side about this whole thing."


"I'm sorry, you're seventeen."

"It's not like you didn't have sex at that age!"

"I'm not saying I didn't but with your brothers best friend!"

"God, I knew I shouldn't have told you. Go ahead and tell my brother."

"I'm not gonna do that." He said. "I want JJ to still have a head at the end of the day."

I fell back on the bed, "That day when I picked them up from the airport. That's the one day I want to redo. None of this would've happened."

"What do you mean."

"That day I went on a date with Aaron. I kissed J. We both agreed it was a mistake. But when I got home. He'd sent me this snow glob from Paris. It had an Eiffel tower in it and when you shook it little hearts fell. And When I picked them up. Jack fell asleep in the backseat. And J Held my hand. Kissed my cheek. We even made out on my couch!"

"You're so lucky Jack didn't catch the two of you."

"If I could redo that day, everything would change."

"Well since redos aren't a thing, you have to live with it."



"Was all this worth it?"

"Well, does it feel worth it?"

"I don't know." I said.

"Well since I can't leave the room without you and I'd be going to your brothers room, I'm gonna face time J."

I sighed.

I heard the face time ring.

"Hey Bro." I heard J's voice.

I missed that voice in my ear so much.

"Is Jack there?" Sammy asked.

"Went to get food with Cam."

"Danielle." Sammy said. I looked over and he was handing me his phone.

"Sammy, Jack is gonna kill us all."

"Just take it before he gets back."

I took the phone.

"Hey." J said through the screen.

"Hey." I smiled.

"Why haven't you texted me?"

"My brother took my phone." I explained.

"I'm so sorry." He said.

"Can you leave your room?"

"Not without Sammy."

"This sucks."

"I miss you."

"I miss you too." He smiled.

"We're back." I heard jack say in the background. I threw the phone to Sammy. I dove into the bathroom and turn the shower on.

"Who are you face timing?" Jack asked.


"Where's my sister?" Jack asked Sammy.

"She's taking a shower."

"Good." He said.

I exhaled.

"I'll be right over with your food." My brother said.

"Shit." I said. I dipped my head in the freezing cold water.

I screamed.

"What was that?" My brother asked.

"Danny, are you okay?" Sammy asked and winked.

"Yeah, just a spider." I lied.

I took a towel and wrapped it around my hair as I turned the shower off. I quickly changed into something different and wiped off all my make up.

A couple minutes later my brother came in with food.

"Hey." I smiled.

My brother glanced at me, "Hi."

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed some noodles and sat on my bed. I turned on the tv.

"Danielle." Jack said. I ignored him.

"Danielle." He repeated. I kept watching tv.

He stood in front of me. I rolled my eyes.

"Wanna roll your eyes? No Magcon tomorrow."

"That's so unfair!" I said.

"It's what you deserve."

"You do realize that means that Sammy has to stay too."

"Nope. I talked to Bart. Cam's assistant can stay with you."

"You asshole." I said and stood. "You can't control my life Jack! You're not mom. You're not dad. You're just you. And I wish you would have never woken up." I spat.

"Stop." He said and pushed me back down to sitting on the bed.

My anger rose as stood again and started punching his chest. He blocked himself as Sammy grabbed my waist.

"Go to hell!" I yelled as he walked out with the food.

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