Setting Out

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Shay's POV

"Good morning Avia flavia, Getty up get up!"I shout and dance around her bed. She groans.

"Dad! It's summer, come on!" She moans and covers her face with a pillow. I have roll my eyes take her by the arm and drag her off her bed. She mumbles something and stands.

"Get up get up, we're going to get lunch and frozen yogurt! It's past eleven. All of us are up now." She yawns and waves me out of the room to get dressed. I go to Gavin's room. He's already dressed and texting someone.

"Gav, help Daxton please." I say. He nods. I check on Colette whose curling her hair. Ok next Emmi.

She had a rough night last night and I feel absolutely horrible. This fun day is just mainly for Emmi. We feel so terrible. I jog to her room. The door is closed, I knock. Nothing. I knock again. Nothing.

"Emmi Butler open up or I'm coming in." I say. Nothing. I sigh and open the door. The window is open. A body is outlined by the blankets. Still sleeping. Sleepy little girl.

I walk over. I shake her but, suddenly I feel ill. I press down and than rip the blanket off. Pillows. I push back the closet door. Hangers are empty. Backpack missing.





I slam the door and run and look outside. Nothing. I start to pante. My heart beats fast against my chest.

"Dad" Avia calls, sounding slightly about to cry.

"Avia I'm busy." I say.

"D-dad" I look in the kitchen. She's by the stove holding a piece of paper. Her right hand is over her mouth. Tears in her eyes. I run over and take the letter.

I scan it over and sink to the floor. She ran away. I can't believe that my sweet Emmi Lou is gone. I sob. Colette walks in and sits next to me. She reads the letter and starts crying.

"I can't believe it. We caused her pain." She sobs. I take her hands in my mine.

"Avia we need to go find her. Call Carlie, tell her everything she can watch the boys. Go, we can't waste anymore time. We've already caused too much trouble." Shay says. Avia bolts to the phone and starts dialing.

"Hello? Carlie listen..." Shay runs and tell Gavin. The boys are cunfused.

Shay puts his fist on the wall and bangs them against it.

"What have I done? What have I done? What have I done?" He repeats. His fists collide with the wall.

"Emmi, my sweet little angel. I'm sorry. So sorry." He whispers, looking at the hole he created in the wall. "I'm sorry I never meant for you to go


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