I'm Emmi Butler, Not Forgotten

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I got back to school. Or online school. It's been a few weeks. I've been diognosed with a few things after getting thrown back into life.

~Night terrors
~Androphobia (fear of men)
~Achluophobia (fear of dark)
~Haphephobia (fear of being touched)
~Monophobia (fear of being left alone)
~Enochlophobia (fear of crowds)
~Hoplophobia (fear of guns)

It's crazy to know I never had to worry about these problems a few years ago. Here I am literally scared of everything. A few days ago we went down to a place to eat. Problem was it's by an open field and woods. There's hunting there.


We took our seats. Gavin and mom are next to me. I order a water and a burger and waffle fries. I'm really underweight for my age so mom and dad need me to add on a few pounds for health. Ad we're eating I hear a gunshot. My mind races as I think back to when I was shot. My heart starts pounding my breathing becomes quicker and shorter. Mom starts jumping up and trying to comfort me as my siblings step away. I start crying and soon bawling. The visons start coming back.
"STOP! GO AWAY!" I scream. I place my hands on my ears. People are staring some rushing over to ask if they need to call 911. My parents explain my anxiety attacks and my fear of guns. I feel my vision coming back. Mom is holding my head in her lap telling me it's okay.

End of Flashback

Days later I remember seeing a video of my anxiety attack on YouTube. The description reading;

Girl has major anxiety attack! 😵😵😵😵 Need to watch!!!!!!!!!! 😯😨😵😟😱😲

I had shown mom and dad and they got so angry. A few days later it was taken off. But people can't un-see it. Dad is vlogging, but they're short and the viewers know why. Dad can't come by me without me flinching. No one can really. No one can really hug me or kiss me. I'm just there. I have night terrors almost every night. So sleepovers are off the list. My fear of being left alone is shrinking a tiny bit, but I always sleep in Gavin's room, sometimes Avia's. And they always leave a lamp on knowing my other fear, darkness. No one shoots guns now. Last time I heard one I nearly passed out!

Life has been tough and I'm just ready to give up. But I'm not going back to my past. I'm no longer the unknown Butler daughter.

I'm Emmi Laurie Butler Butler.

And this girl ain't going anywhere.


Hi! I'm debating on wether I want to do an epilogue. Everything for the sequel is ready, should I do an epilogue? Let me know. And sorry this is so short. It sucks buy I wanted do a chapter. Sorry!

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