In the Fast Lane

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I ride my bike as fast as it can go. The girl's voice is heard through the trees.

"Wait! EMMI BUTLER!" I try to block out her voice as I pedal harder until I no longer hear a voice. I keep going, just slower. Once I reach the end of the forest I pause and catch my breath. Until

"Stop running" Some one says. A car stops in front of me. I yell.

"go AWAY!" I hop on my bike but the girl is too quick. She grabs my arm. She looks much older. seventeen maybe. I struggle from her grip.

"May let her go!" The little girl from the beach says sternly.

"Just be quiet please Roy! You don't understand!" May yells to her younger sister I assume. I struggle more but she doesn't lose her grip.

"Please! Just let me go!" I say.  She sighs and uses both her hands to grab my shoulders. 

" I won't hurt you, my name is Mayelle Camri Foyer. I am seventeen years old and a SHAYTARDS viewer. All I want is for you to tell me what happened." She begs. I stop squirming in look into her eyes. I see the trust. She won't hurt me.

"You can't know. You won't understand." I say quietly. Mayelle waits. "I'm mot heard, I'm not special, I'm not perfect, I'm not Avia."  I finally say after a few minutes of quietness. She lets go of my shoulders as she promised.

"Emmi your family is worried sick about you! Go home, things will get better." She says gently. I look down.

"No it won't. They will just watch me, not look. They will hear me, not listen. They will smile at me, not compliment me. They will know me, not understand me. I will still be pushed to the side. You don't understand. I need time. They need time to know what they've done." I say, crying. May looks at me with sympathy. 

"You're not going home, are you?" She says.

"Not until it's the right time," I whisper.

"When will that be?"

"When I feel it. When the light shows me home." I say. She nods.

"If you're not going home, where are you going?"

"Montana. No one will know me." I say quietly. May nods.

"Need a lift? We happen to be on our way to Montana ourselves-"

"May but-" Roy cuts in.

"Roylee." May warns. "I promise, you won't ever have to return home" She whispers to me. I study her eyes. I see pain, sadness, hope, love, joy and every feeling there is. But most of all honesty. I cry again and nod while sobbing. Her hand slips in mine gently. She walks me to her car and lifts me in a seat. I buckle. Suit cases are in her car also.

"My bike" I say quietly. She stuffs it in the trunk, slams it and gets in. i lean my head on the window. The trees pass by as she starts driving. Away from California. My eyes start to droop. I feel a blanket gently put on me and I fall right asleep.


I watch Emmi in the mirror. She fell asleep a couple hours ago. I'd be exhausted too if I were her.

"May, why do we run so fast?" Roy asks quietly, staring out the window.

"Because we are afraid that everything will catch us. Fears, sadness, loneliness, everything that makes our life a mess. We are afraid of those things, so we run away from them. But sometimes we have to slow down. Look at our lives in slower pictures. Let those things come. It's what makes our lives what it is. It brings us together. Making a bond that is never lost. And sometimes I wonder why we run so fast too. We need to slow down and look at life differently." I speak wisely. Roy stays silent for a while.

"I agree." She says. "Are you dropping Emmi at her real home?" Roy asks.

"No. I know her pain, you do too Roys. And Emmi is living life in the fast lane right now and she just needs time. Someday she'll slow down and find her heart. I know it seems crazy Roy, but you won't understand fully unless you're her. Time can do a lot for people. It can create distant bonds or stronger bonds, This time it will create stronger one for her and her family I know it will." I say. Roy nods.

"I miss mom" She whispers.

"I know. I know. Me too kid. We couldn't stay there any longer. It was our turn to live in the fast lane. One day like Emmi, we will slow down. It hurts a lot, but what have we created Roy Roy?"

"A stronger bond" She whispers.

'Exactly sis. Exactly"

"I love you sissy" Roy says quietly.

"I love you more Roysie" I say

"I love you so much more" She says, smiling.

"Okay get some sleep kiddo, it's gonna be a long drive." I say. She smiles and pulls a blanket to her chin and rests her small head on the door of the car. She falls asleep with in minutes. I look back for a split second and smile and let out a happy sigh.

"No, I love you even more Roysie, even more." I whisper. "Even more"

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