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I sit in the police office. Waiting for my family to arrive. I'm neither really excited or unahappy. I just am here I guess.

The door opens and I watch my family walk in with sorry eyes. Dad and mom are the first the walk over. They immediately go for a hug. I tense up and flinch. Mom and dad step back, birth confused and hurt.

"She's still shaken up. It will take a while for her to get back to normal." The police officer steps in. I nod, even though I know it will never bee the same. Mom and dad turn away hurt. Gavin approachs slowly. He stands a few feet away, careful of my space.

"Sorry Emmi, for everything. I hope we can become friends agian. Yeah?"I nod and smile a little.

"S-s-sure." I say. He has out his hand. I shake it. He turns away. One by one I get aquatinted by my siblings again. They're all hurt that their little girl would turn them down for a hug.

And I can't blame them.


After mom and dad picked me up we went to my therapy doctor. 

"You know Emmi has been through so much. She's gained a lot of fears like being left alone, being touched espically by a man or older boy the dark and things like that." She explains carefully. Dad runs his finger a through his hair. I sit on my chair knees pulled up to my chest.

"So is this something she'll carry on to her adult hood or teenage years?" He asks. The doctor shrugs.

"It's definitely a high chance it will carry on. It's an experience she will not ever forget so it will always stick with her. And maybe she won't ever get married or have kids or date, but you know it happens. It has traumatized Emmi. Don't push it. Just love her and try your best to get closer to her." She says.

"Okay." Mom gives me a sorry look.

"And also it has caused anxiety which will very much affect her. Possibly nightmares, I assume she'll have. It usually follows traumatizing situations. Maybe she'll adjust to public school life, most likely not. Just take it slow."

"How often would you like to see her?" Mom asks.

"Three to four times a week. I know it seems like alot, but it will help. And hopefully in the future it will reduce." She stands and shakes hands and nods at me. I leave and walk quietly behind my parents. Head down, eyes down, hands folded. I get so many looks on my scar.

It hurts.


The moment I arrive home, Daxton runs over to me. He's only six almost seven so Im.not as afraid of him as others.

"Emmi wanna play Legos? " He asks. I simply shake my head and head to my room. I close the door and collapse on my bed.

I stare at the light blue walls and sigh. I wish I were with May. Only she's in Montana with the Roy. Just two weeks ago I arrived in Idaho, spent three days in this home so the police could find out more about the whole thing and my family life. I guess know one will forget me now.

I guess that's what comes along when you create a legacy.

Even it's not necessarily a good one.


Sorry this chapter sucked. I kinda rushed through it just to get it published. I wasn't on wattpad all day today! Sorry! I'm so disappointed in this chapter. Blah. Btw for five days I will not be active because I will be heading to camp and having a blast. They do not aloud phones or any electronics expect for camers. I will get you the details of the dates later. So yea! Bai!

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