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It's all the same now.

Wake up- 4 am

Eat a piece of bread for breakfast- 5 am

Beating - 7 am

Chores - 10 am

Eat cheese stick - 1 pm

Beating - 2 pm

More beating - 4 pm

Chores - 6 pm

Eat crackers - 8 pm

Beating - 10 pm

Sleep - 12 am


There's no newness. I still feel the pain of his hand hittig my cheek, kicking my side and punching me like a rag doll. I want to leave. I want the comfort of May. I have been locked up here for five  months. Five months! I have the same clothes since the first day. The shirt shows my ribs. I've lost weight. I find it hard to run, even walk sometimes. My head always hurts but I don't want an extra beating so I stay quiet. My hair is a rats nest. So tangley and greasy. I cook for Nick, my boss. Anything he wants. I eat bread, cheese and crackers. That's my diet. I long for something warm. Cookies and cake. I'm twelve years old. Why am I living this way? I have circles under my eyes from only four hours if sleep for long hours of chores. I have bruises everywhere. For my foot to my face. Scratches. Blood. My eyes are gray. I never smile. Not ever. The only good thing is he hasn't touched my body in a sexual way since the first day. I don't know when he'll do it again. Or of he ever will. I would rather do two extra hours of chores.

I pick up my dirty cloth and continue while Nick is out drinking, soon to be home drunk and beat me. The kitchen is spotless so I settle down on the dirty old ripped couch for crackers. I only get five each day, so yea I have gotten used to being hungry. The door suddenly opens and I jump up with my hands folded neatly behind my back. He slams down the empty beer bottle. The glass spreads everywhere. Great, just great! Now I have to clean that up along with Nick's puke later.

He storms over and grabs my collar and shakes me until I feel like puking. He throws me against the wall. I bang my hand and let out a cry. Uh oh. He gives me a look.

"Don't cry fat f*ck!"  He screams at me. He bends down and grabs a shard a glass. I put my arms I've my face. Nick grabs my arms and holds them over my head. I squirm. He takes the glass and holds a the sharp side on my right eyebrow. He pushes it in. I scream and cry and the glass goes further. He slaps my cheek. He continues until he reaches my eyelid. I taken a deep a breath of relief.
He chuckles and keeps the glass on my eye.

"Thought it was over huh?" He says darkly. Wait, what? He drags it over eyelid. It cuts it but, no my eye. It drags it more and stops. I put a finger on the cut. Blood. Thick dark red on my finger like frosting. My eyes go wide. He laughs more. And throws a Towle at me before yelling.

"Clean up and get back to work wheeze bag!" Before he turns to the bathroom door. It slams and I pour water over the cloth and clean all the blood and press the towel to it. I find the box of alcohol pads and press it while holding back my screams of agony. I tape them on my for head and whipe my eyelid amd put on a band aid on my eye and a few on my cheek. I wipe escaping tears and get back to work. 


It's dark out now. I stand in the bathroom. I flick on the light. It pauses but turns on. I look in the mirror and take of my band aids. I look at my scar and let out a quiet cry so I don't wake Nick. I look ugly. It had dried up blood and most likely to get dirt inside. O could get a really bad infection. I put the bandages back on and walk out and sit on my bed. I look at the calender from my bed. Two amd half weeks until Christmas. It hurts to know this how I'll be celebrating. So much for Christmas. I'll be getting a beating no matter what. I lay down and clothes my eyes. I only have four hours of sleep, I better use it wisely. But I can't. The cut hurts too much. I roll on my side and put my hands under my uncomfortable pillow. It's dark in this apartment. I didn't find out this was an apartment until I heard Nick on the phone one evening. This one is apprently on the last floor so I would get killed if I jumped. And it's in a beat up town where a lot of poor people live. I close my eyes tighter to finally get some sleep and escape away to a sweet dream and not a nightmare. But it's kinda  hard when your living in one.

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