Crumpled Paper

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I watch Nick from a distance sweeping. He shouts in the phone.

"Idiot! Look what you did!" He shouts angrily. I look down at the pile of dirt I swept up. In the pile there is a white piece of paper crumpled up. I bend down and make a face as I pull it put. I whipe the grime off and stuck it in my pocket quickly. It's probably nothing, but you never know. Besides I've been here for more than ten months, almost eleven. I am thirteen years old. I got new clothes. Jeans, shirt and shoes. Nick said he got them from his older sister Bianca. He said Bianca has a fifteen year old daughter name Amery. I very much like them. They're from target and actually not in bad condition.

I adjust my shirt put the broom in its place. Nick takes the keys amd leaves for his daily drinks. Dumb alcoholic. The door slams and I take a deep breath and sit on my bed. I wait for a few moments to make sure Nick has walked away.

"Finally!" I breath out. I now don't do chores during the time he gets drunk. Besides he doesn't notice. I dig in my pocket and pull out the paper. I uncrumple it and read the neatly written words on it.

Mary Ellen
Apartment 678
Keep away from girl

Who's this "Mary Ellen", and why does he want me away from her? But suddenly I realize it. Two weeks ago I heard a woman's voice at the door.
"Can I come in? I need some flour?" The woman asks politely. I stand by the bathroom listening.

"No go away I'm busy." Nick says.

"No you are not. Flour is all I need. You never used to be like this. What are you hiding Nick?"

"Nothing go away now." The door shuts and I wonder who that was.


I look around. Bobby pin. I need one. I've never actually tried it but it's worth a shot. I look around and find one in the drawers of the bathroom. I put on my never used shoes and jacket. I walk over and shove it, twisting and turning every. which way. And it


I put my hand over my heart that's beating hard against my chest.

Come on Emmi. This is your chance.

I do the other ones and I slowly open the door. It creaks. I breath slowly as I finally step out of my hell hole I've been living in for months.

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