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It's been a week and a half.

It's been crazy. I somehow got on a plane without anyone asking anything. I landed in California and set out on foot to no where.

I also got a bike with the money I stole from Dad. Sorry not sorry dad. It's been easier. Better. Free. I want to go to Montana, where no one will come looking. That's my next adventure. I've also got into poem writing.

When the days ending and I'm in the woods. I write about my feeling. Here's one.

They Cannot See

The sun goes down
No one has noticed my tears
My pain
They think I'm alright
But that's not the case

The next day I plaster on a smile
Expected to act happy
For the
Dad vlogs
And I laugh

But it's all fake
Inside my heart isn't there
Is buried
Under tears
They don't notice
I don't speak
They don't notice
I'm not me

It drags me down
Into a dark whole
Where I can't escape

Yet they don't notice
Barely knowing I exist
I try to lift myself up
Tell myself I'm okay
But that's not the case

And when they ask what's wrong
Nothing I say
I hide the pain
They cannot see
And they walk away
Not bothering to ask more
I'm feeling sorry for me

They say silence is the loudest pain
But they cannot see
All of me
They think I am happy

They cannot see

I buy a burger from McDonalds. It's not the best, but whatever. I sit on a bench by the beach. The waved lapping against the sand. This is my favorite parts if being a runaway. Life's good.

I finish my burger and throw the wrapper away until I feel a tap of my shoulder.

"Hello?" I turn to see a my age girl.

"Um hi." I say, nervous she might know me. The girl smiles.

"I'm Roy. Sorry for scaring you. But you look familiar. Are you babytard? I think my sister-"

"Roy! Come on!" A voice cuts her off. Assuming that's her sister, storms over.


"Calm down Mayelle! Jeeze luiez..." Roy mutters. Mayelle looks at me. I take off on my bike before she almost opens her mouth.


"Roylee!" I stop over, ready to grab her sleeve when I notice who she's talking. Roy mumbles something but my minds going crazy.

"E-" She's gone. I stand in shock. Roy looks at me confused.

"Was that-"

"Emmi Butler." I breath. The runaway. I grab Roy's hand and drag her to my car. Roy buckles.

"May! Where are we going!?" She asks annoyed.

"After that girl" I mutter, taking off.

The road appears and In starting to lose track of the black bike. I speed up.

"May! You're past the speed limit! Mom will kill you if you get a ticket." I shrug and keep my eyes on the rode. Roy mumbles more stuff. As I'm driving the bike disappears. I halt. Roy goes foward.

"OH MY GOD! MAY!" Roy yells. I roll my eyes. I scan the rode. No she's not here. Than I know it. The woods. I unbuckle myself and open my door.

"Come on Roy, we're going on a little adventure." I say. Roy hops out. I grab her hand and we travel into the woods.

"Is this about that girl?" Roy asks. I nod and keep a tight grip on her hand.

"Stop let go of me!" Roy says.

"I'm not losing you, so shut up." I say. Roy huffs.

"It's your fault anyways! You're the one dragging me in to this woods in the first place." She's got a point, but of course I don't idmit that. It's a little over three now, we have to be home by five so this better be quick.

Oh who am I kidding! We're after a runaway kid!

Than I spot her. Long blonde hair and everything.

The girl who they lost.

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