You Shoot I Shoot

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I stare at the woman. I burst into to tears and sob.

"E-E-Emmi?" May stampers. I nod and hug her. She hugs me back.

"P-please! I-I need help!" I cry. She rushes me in and slams the door and locks it. She rushes me to a seat on the couch.


After a long while of explaining my situation we hug again.

"I need to call the police!" She says. She goes a home phone and dials 911.

(M-May O-Operator)

O- How can we help you?

M- a girl in the name of Emmi Butler came to my door. She had been kidnapped and kept in bad conditions.

O-Can you please explain what kind of conditions?

I jump up and get to the phone quite quickly.

E- Excuse me sir this is Emmi Butler daughter of Shay and Colette Butler. I get beaten and fed very small things. I do chores all day and never get new clothes. Please hurry he's coming!

O- Calm down sweetie the police are on their way just stay on the phone, okay?

E- o-okay

O-Whats your kidnappers name sweet heart?

E-Nick Hevera

O-Thank you honey How long have you been kept there?

E- about eleven months

O-Thank you please put your friend on the phone

M-Yes sir?

O-I want you to block all ways the kidnapper can---"

The door bursts open. We both look up to


"YOU STUPID IDIOT GIRL!" He screams at me. I scream and run to May.

"Get away from her! You already did so much damage!" May yells. Nick reaches in his pocket and pulls out a gun. I scream louder. He moves into the apartment, getting a yard or two away from us.

"Shut up." He growls.

I hear more shouts.


"Step away from them." One says out of the eight or ten. Nick turns around and backs away. He raises his gun higher. I'm shaking like a mad man. I'm going in and out. My vision is blacking and clearing. May is trying to calm me down. Nick has his gun pointed directly at me.

"You shoot, I shoot." A police officer says. Nick isn't moving. His finger on the trigger. I'm sobbing amd shaking harder. My heart pounding like drums.

"PUT THE GUN DOWN!" A police officer shouts.



Everything went so fast.

All I heard was one thing no one ever wants to hear


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