When The Title Makes Sense Once More

26 3 20

Another taggity tag tag for this ///tag///// book you can thank adorable_idiot_xx for that yay frens!


Daiya no ace! When you try to make a card pun but you end up referencing an anime all the relates


Quiver in fear of my astounding candle collection okay none of this makes sense it was meant to be an arrow/aro[mantic] pun and also an aromatic pun since e v e r y time I hear/read the word !!

What makes you happy

A lot of things actually like cute things, round things, fluffy things, happy things, the sky, light rain, heavy rain, clouds, dragons, nice people, doing things, making things, etc. etc.

Last song

11:11 make a wish okay but seriously I was asleep so I don't know probably Tentacles by Ghost Town it's a 9/10 song it's not about hentai pls

Hair colour

Black but not forever


I'm a stubborn-ass bull how true I'm also a nice person

Last person you kissed

I only kiss cute animals and shoulders so

Favourite colour

White, or grey if you want to be technical

Favourite food

I don't know, golden gaytimes are pretty 20/20??

Battery %

Laptop is at 63%

Celebrity crush


Favourite vegetable

Pretty good scissors [parsnips]

Eye colour

Yellow, secretly a demon okay no brown I think??

Shoe size

7? 8? Is he trying to be Brendon Urie? D'angelo!

Dream job

E v e r y t h i n g - writer, musician, artist, something to do with nature and animals??, philosopher, designer, crafter tm, magician, smart person, scientist, astrologist, astronomer, gemologist, quantum physicist, poet, youtuber tm, escape room maker tm, etc. etc.

Okay so it's up to you to write the questions out so whomever is bother @ you, you're tagged okay I don't want to miss anyone I love you all peeps stay safe.

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