I want to write a book about a mother who has to leave her children because of mental illness.
I want to write a lot of books about a lot of things, many of which would require a lot of research.
Insight is a very good show for research. I watch a lot of documentaries. I don't make a lot of decisions, I prefer to be in the middle on most things, because I find the middle is the best place to be.
Almonds used to be not vert nice to me but now they're okay. [Almonds are green now?]
SomethingVicious thanks for making me want to know things about politics. I want to write a book with something to do with politics.
3D printers seem kind of obvious, and kind of amazing.
Sometimes we convince ourselves the want for uniquity is the need for all things unreasonable.
Opinions are really hard to have because I kind of believe one thing but I don't want to discredit someone elses' opinion??
Why do most stories on here have relationships that are either really really cheesy and great and #goals or really bad with lots of arguing and other bad things? Why are there no plain old relationships? Why are there no stories after marriage? And that stay plain old? Why are there no relationships that aren't flings that end neutrally. Yes, there would be hurt, but no violence, no arguing, just "'okay, we're not working".
Can I just end this here and maybe continue later??
Swiggity Swag, Here Are My Tags
LosoweMostly this is me writing down my thoughts when I can't find the words for a poem or the commitment for a story (read: all the time).