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Yes, all lives matter, but there is a reason there is no #whitelivesmatter movement. There is a reason there is a #blacklivesmatter and it's because some people seem to forget that your skin colour does not mark out the worth of your life, the amount of remorse one must have after shooting you because you "looked suspicious", the negativity and prejudice aimed at you for simply being who you are.

This is wildly unfinished but holy smokes I'm just going to leave this short and simple.

Oh, sidenote I love you all peeps, no matter your predispositions. I mean there are certain things I'd disagree with I'm sure, but I still love you, just indirectly. I'm a white-asian halfie so I cannot speak on behalf of black people and my neighbourhood is pretty cool but I can acknowledge the differences in common attitudes towards different skin colours.

~ Positivity, please, #gangsign

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