Chapter 1

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I cant believe it , i really cant believe what i just heard. I just cant believe why the capital would do this to me , i dont want to go to the arena and kill people , hunting isnt really my thing just my mums , i forgot to introduce myself , Im Amanda Mellark daughter of Katniss and Peeta Mellark im 15. I get the reason why i have to go into the 84th Hunger Games but whats the point? , my parents are already victors of district 12 im pretty much a victor myself.

"Amanda! , Come on we need to get you to the reaping!" says My mum , "Im not going , im not going to die out there alone! , i rather stay here and die with my family." " Look Amanda , thats how i felt when i was going to the games , i did it to look after Prim and make sure she doesnt go" Mum replied to my tantrum. "Yeah , but thats you , i have no skills at all like you did ! , i've seen what you can do its not like im going to get 11 points in training like you did." My dad came walking into the living room and sat next to me on the couch proping his artifical leg in a certain position to sit up straight.

"Whats going on in here ladies?" Dad asked , "Amanda doesnt want to go to the reaping where she meets her fellow team and wont go the game" My mum said to dad with a fustrated look. "Look Amanda sweetheart , you have to go , if you do you mum and i will be here with a special gift i promise". Did he just say a surprise? i hope its a car! if i go into the game i would have to spend my 16th birthday there which isnt really fair but that gift better be a car i wanted since i was 10. " Fine! , Looks like im going to the games with no skills at all." I say with a sigh as i make a slow exit out the living room. " Amanda , you arent bad , i've seen what you do in your practicles in school ." My mum says , "Well , thats school - but this time its a realy person" i walk out the room slamming the door.

Theres a knock on the front door , its Gale , mums friend which somehow i now call uncle. After coming out of my room walking down the stairs stomping my feet as i go along , i see Uncle Gale in the kitchen and run directly to him for a hug. "Hey Amanda dear , big day huh?" Gale said. " Not really , i wasnt expecting to go into the 84th hunger games" i look down at the floor and Gale grabs my hands "Amanda , come on outside i'll teach you some quick skills before your off to the reaping today" I obey his rules and make my way out to the huge garden , Uncle Gale was pretty much my Hunting coach he taught me alot.

Gale comes out the house into the garden , as he starts showing me how to set up a hidden trap , soon showing me how to kill an animal and skining it. It took like 20 minutes to get it i was a fast learner than Mum or dad was. Dad came out and said it was time to make our way to the reaping , i gave Uncle Gale a hug and ran in and grabbed my backpack and made my way into a jet black car with my mum. "Peeta , make sure when you get the reaping she isnt worked up with who her team is" Gale shout directly to my dad before he got in the car after me. "Sure thing , watch the house!" As he gets in the car Gale nods as he waves as the car droves off.

"Mum i dont want to leave you guys all alone" , "Amanda , just know that we are always there with you , and one of us is your mentor for the games so you dont have to worry , who ever is your mentor between me and your dad we'll make sure your safe and sound" Mum replied to me. " Thats right dear , dont be afraid use the techniques you've have learnt from school and Your uncle Gale okay" My dad says rubbing my shoulder cheering me up "Promise you'll be there every step of the way during the game for me?" "We promise" both said and agreed

 The car turns round the back of the dark stage where names will be picked out the reaping ball , "EFFIE!!" Mum screamed and ran to hug some woman in a really werid pink and red hair do , "dad whos that?" , "Its your mums and i old games schedueler" , "That makes sense". I see mum and so call Effie walking back to me and dad. " Ah , Peeta Mellark how are you doing my dear" Effie asked my dad "Great great , loving the hair" he answered sarcastically on the hair. "Why thank you" She says staring at me , " You must be Amanda Mellark" she holds out her hand for a shake. "Yes indeed im Amanda" Shaking the tips of her hand. "Amanda really?" Mum said "What? i barely know her" "Haha , what a little joker , come on Amanda" Holding her hand out once more as i grab on as she take me on stage.

"Welcome to the 84th reaping of the games!" there was a moan of complaints at it slowly silence. "Today we have a special guest joining the games , This is the wonderful daughter of the 74th victors , Peeta and Katniss Mellark" The crowds eyes narrow at me as i give out  a little wave. " 3 lucky people will be joining her in the games this year" Lucky? why are they lucky? it isnt lucky? are you mad they might die out there! you werido. " Alright , this years girl is ....................... Primrose Hawthorne" She did not just say my Aunties name. " NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" I hear my mum scream from behind as Aunt Primrose comes up , she walks directly to me and hugs me knowing that we're working together. "Wow , first time we ever had relatives in the games from the same district , now moving on to the boys" Her old wrinkly hands move around in the boys reaping ball. " Vicky Hawthorne" No i cant believe this you got to be kidding me , my Uncle really!. Vicky comes up giving his loving wife a kiss on the cheek which is aunt Primrose , that actually explained alot about Gale. "Wow , this is really shocking me , Niece , Aunt and husband all going to the games now whos the next boy" her hand wriggle again throught the boys reaping ball " Mark Madson" The really smart boy from school!.

"Well there we have it , our district 12 competitors of the 84th annual hunger games!!" Everyone who didnt get picked out were relieved , for us it wasnt so good at all. We made our way off the stage and backstage. I see my mum crying on her knees as dad comforts her by having his arm around her neck. "Katniss? you alright? what happened?" . " Oh Prim , lovely lovely Prim , i cant believe you got chosen , i dont want you to go!" " Katniss , im old enough i can handle it now , i'll make sure in the arena that Amanda and the others are safe". "Aunt Primrose , no you need to stay alive , it my duty to keep you guys going , we're doing what Haymitch did , find something on the otherside of the arena" The place fell quiet and Haymitch , mum and dads old mentor and friend came up behind us with white liqor , he was probably still drinking as usual , "Thats a good idea Katniss" " Its Amanda, Haymitch , Amanda , Katniss is my mum , are you feeling alright?" "Never better" As hes wobbly on his feet , hes about to fall over as dad runs and helps him stand straight "Okay , Haymitch lets take you home" Dad gets in the same car as Haymitch as we all make our way back to the victors village.

We got home , Haymitch stumbled out the car as my dad rushed over to help him back on his feet. Uncle Gale was doing something at home , we walked in and saw that he had cooked us a lovely dinner since this was the last day at home before im pushed into a train and taken to the capital and where the game starts. Mum took me upstairs as took my backpack and threw it on the floor of hers and dads room as she gets out an acient jewlellery box , she takes out what seems to be a mockingjay pin. "Here dear , put this on during the games to remind you of home" she hands it over to me ," Mum , where did you get this?" , " Madge gave it to me" The mayors daughter i guess " I'll try think of home and district 12 when im in the arena"

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