Chapter 9

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My arms loosened from Aloe's shoulder as I lift my dead Aunts body of my lap and lay her head back on to the ground. I stood up by Aloe where he was kneeling with his head in his hands. Mark came over to hug me as I buried my head into his chest while crying my eyes out. A hovercraft was closing in above us as Jake pat me on the back , " We better move away and let them take her body up" I nod and let go of the hug with Mark took my last look of my aunt since she was brought back from the dead with snow , I cant look at her like this so I turned my head and grabbed Aloe on to his feet. "Come on we need to pack all our stuff from the cave" as I climbing shortly followed by everyone else.

We get inside the cave and pack the stuff n to the 4 backpacks we had. I remember the backpack on my back as I slide it off , " I forgot to give you guys"  opened up the bag and gave the locket to Mark and the ring to Aloe , "I couldn't thank you enough Amanda , now I have something to clutch on to until I probably die" Mark said throwing an arm over my shoulder. " Your not going to die , no one is" I search through the bag and found a picture of me and mum , I give out my first smile since I set foot into the arena and clutch the picture holding it to my heart. "What do you mean , no one is going to die?" Jake looked up with his red eyes  from tiredness , " im going to manipulate snow and let him crown all of us , with the help of my pin." , the hovercraft sent down a thing to put bodies on and 2 men in white peacekeeper uniforms, moments later Aunt Prim's body was being lifted up. "How can you manipulate snow , its not possible no on ever has done that" Aloe spoke up for the first time since we saw aunt Prim on the floor. "Im doing it anyway"

I look down at the pin attached to my jumpsuit. I fiddle with my fingers before touching my pin , " Hello Amanda , I was right about your Aunt Prim's death , but I heard you needed my help to manipulate Snow" ," That's right I do need your help" , " Alright , what I need to you do if copy my every words I say to you while your on the ground shouting out what I say" , " Alright" . I swing the backpack on to my back once again , "You guys stay up here I have to do something that the soul told me to do" , " Be careful out there" Jake added , " Don't worry there's no one else alive but us" , I walk to the edge of the cave and look back at the guys for luck and I begin my journey downwards. " Amanda , go near the cornoucia they will hopefully hear you more clearly from there" The voice said to me , now I could hear her with out touching the pin "How are you talking to me even though im not holding on to the pin?" I ask the soul , " This is what im here for , before your mum gave the pin to you , your mum said some words into the pin and brought me here to help you , Im Rue if you still haven't guessed." , Rue , no wonder her voice seemed so similar  as the playback I saw on the train. "I saw you in your interview when I was on the train" I reply back almost reaching the bloodbath I was earlier with Jake , there was blood everywhere but the bodies were gone.

"Okay , i'm here what do I say?" , Rue said everything I need to copy as I repeated back " Alright  capital , you got me here with my brother , my boyfriend and a lets say friend , what do you want me to do ? Im not killing them for your fun and games , I demand a 4 victor win this year and if that doesn't happen I will demand the citizens of all districts to form a rebellion against you" I shout out the words Rue had told me.  I stood there in silence for any sign of a hovercraft coming to collect me and take me home where I can finally be back with my mum the one I missed. There was no sign of anything "Alright ,  want to play it that way ?" I look around for any of the capital workers on the beach until I remember their not here , " Let me go home and be a normal girl again or I will kill you all" I said bravely without the help of Rue " What are you doing Amanda!" , " Rue , I know what im doing , I don't need Snow here and alive to destroy every child's lives" a couple minutes time a hovercraft came over me and dropped a ladder down for me , " Your not just here to pick me up you picking the other 3 too!" I shout back as a peacekeeper slides down the ladder and pulls me up by the back of my jumpsuit , " Let go off me you stupid person!" I wiggle at his grasp as I fall back into the sand "Im not going if your not getting the others"

There's an incoming message from snow in the sky "Calling all tributes alive can you make your way to the cornocia please as your ride home awaits you" as he signs out the guys are probably on their way here. "Thank you" I say to the peacekeeper as he passes the message upwards till it reaches Snow "AMANDA!" I hear my name being called as I see the guys running towards me and hugging me as they arrive. "Amanda you did it , you really did it!" Mark cups my face with his hands as he leans to kiss me and Jake kicks the sand really hard. " I wasn't just me who done it , Rue did it too" I look at the pin with a smile "Rue? isn't it that little girl mum keeps talking about?" , "Yes that's me , tell your mum when you get back home I said thank you for being there for me during our time in the games and I was here helping you guys" , "Did that pin just talk?" Jake asked holding the pin on my jumpsuit , "Its not a pin , Its my friend and a soul and she helped us" , " Thank you Rue" Mark and Aloe said together. The peacekeeper nods at up and tells us to get climbing.

We board the hovercraft and taken out the arena and back to the train station

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