Chapter 8

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It was sometime early in the morning on our 3rd day in the arena ,i walk out our hide out for a strech i look up to see 9 faces printed in the pinkish sky above , Jake's fellow tribute was still alive but there was only him and Jake left , as the girls were probably eliminated at the launch of the games 2 days ago. Words glide across the sky ' Tributes may make their way to the cornucia now but meet fright along the way there.' This must be a joke , the gamemakers are making this fun for them and not the tributes families as they see their child die live on screen and close up. I shake whatever was on my mind , i unzip the zipper from my mud covered jumpsuit to my waist as i use the sleeve to tie it up , it was like a blazing sun was burning us from a beach in Hawii.

The antheme plays as usual followed by a cannon , but there isnt any this time , an anonoucement is made , ' Calling to all tributes alive , the feast is now opened , you may come now if your ready to fight for your lives' "This must be some kind of joke of theirs wanting to see children die" Jake woke up yawning as he walks out the cave , " They just want us to have something intresting to happen out there since there hasnt been one since Mark and I had killed the best killer from1" i turn my head in his direction as he grabs on the weapons and fling a backpack over his shoulder which we packed ready last night. "Well, i hope they have fun cause this is just being stupid " i agree to his comment as he hands over my bow and arrows which i had over my shoulder.

As me and Jake were about to leave our hide out theres a sleepy voice speaking to us from behind "Wait , Amanda!" , we hault from where we were before climbing down , "Aunt Prim ? what are you doing awake so early?" , "I just wanted to wish you both good luck and i promise i'll stay up here and not leave the boys sight" , "Thanks Primrose" Jake replies as he heads down the moutain of rocks first , I walk over to where Aunt Prim was standing holding her hands in mine firmly , "Thanks for the luck , now as the voice said to me you stay in here and dont leave , you promised and you cant break it!" i let her hands free as i head of the ledge and climb down , "B-but" , "But nothing Aunt Prim , i'll be back i promise"

As i was a couple feet from the ground Jake was on ground already as he covers me while i make my way down. "Thanks for the protection security guard" i joked around as we made a run through the ajar type boulders that me , Aloe , Mark and Aunt Prim came through at the start of the games. "You seem to know your way around this place" He jealousy spits out , "I just know it cause i been this way with the people in the cave to hide out on our first day here" i reply with a sarcastic tone. We were just meters away from the Cornucia , as we step on to the sand we see another tribute on our right side, must be one of the tributes from district 8 , she had spear in her hand , as she saw me we looked directly at eachother for a moment as she picks up her spear and aims it for me as i pull out an arrow from its container and attach it to my bow and pulled back the string shooting the spear in a different direction as Jake diverts it to the tributes on our left , i grab on another arrow now that she was weaponless and running to grab the bag for her life i swung back the string and aimed straight for the heart , blood poured from her body as some burst into the air as she falls on to her front and the rest of the blood falling beside her.

I nod to Jake as i move a few paces ahead of him attaching another arrow to the bow checking the surroundings , i see he had killed the tributes on the left side and caught up to me. "Those to were hard work , thanks for the spear i couldnt thank you enough for it" he pats me on the back as i turn around to do a fake laugh , now i dont see whats going on behind me as he sees an knife flying towards me he jumps on me as we land on the floor , "Stay down i got this covered" he pulls out what looked like tranculizers from his belt as he spits one at the boys neck and falls instantly to the ground. "Thanks" i get up patting away the sand that was on my half on half off jumpsuit. After i have patted myself free of sand Jake grabbed my hand as we made a run directly for the bags.

We reach our bags which were placed on the tables , 12 was closest to the exit of the cornucia as Jake had jogged down to his station marked 5 , the coast was clear from where i stood as i opened the backpack to see what was in the bag , " A picture of our families were in there , Marks locket with a picture of him and his little brother that he mostly adored and forgotten in his room , Aloe's friendship ring , Aunt Prims sewing kit and a picture of me in mums arms as a baby" I once again check the surroundings and yet it was still clear , i dig further into the bag and find every medication we might need incase of an injury or an attack. I smile on what we had in the backs as i look up to the sky a mouthed the words thanks to people who gave this to us. I swing the bag under my arrow container and waited for Jake to return. I was tackled to the ground by a district 2 boy holding a knife to my face , " Give me all them medication i saw you look at or i cut your lip" i try fight away as he pins me harder into the ground as im pushed further into the beachs sand , "Over my dead body!" i shout back with bravery "That can be argh" the boy falls onto his side as his knife scraps me across the face leaving a gaping hole.

A hand is held out for me as i grab on to get up , "Who are you and why did you help me? im perfectly fine on dying" , "Dont talk nonsense Amanda" , "You know my name?" , "Of course i do , your Jakes alliance arent you" , "You mean hes in mine?" , "Yeah either way" ,"Who are you anyway" , " Im Demetrius , fellow tribute of Jakes , he vowed that he help his love to stay alive and made me promise if i saw you in danger id help you." , "Love?" i questioned at the boy now i know the name to Demetrius , Jake comes running with a blooded arm "What happened to you?" as i feel his arm as he groans in pain "Ow" , "Sorry" , "We better run now people are flowing in , wanna come Demetrius?" , Before he could answer he was hit in the back with a knife , his last words were to flee straight away as we did.

We were almost at our hide out , as i see a fimilar plaited blonde hair on the ground with a spear in her chest. We got closer and closer to the body as i see the person covered in blood , i recognized her straight away and fell to my knees, "AUNT PRIM!!!" i screamed in pain as i lift her body onto my lap "Please please be alive!" tears start to form as i feel her hand grasp onto mine her voice was quiet and shattered  "Stay alive for Katniss and Peeta dont worry about me" , "No dont say that ! stay!" Her eyes flutter for the last time as her grasp is losened. I fall back in agony. Mark and Aloe come running up "Shes really gone this time" as Aloe falls to the ground beside me as i wrap one arm around his shoulder. "She is" tears stream down my face.

The antheme plays as followed by 5 cannons , that was it , its down to the four of us now.

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