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Phil's POV ( ;D )

I smile once more at the camera and then turn it off. The smile melts off of my face immediately and I drop my head into my hands. This whole sweet guy act was taking its toll on me.

I honestly don't know how long I could keep this up. I glance up at my camera and see the bottle of pills on the table beside my bed. Those anti-depressant pills that are supposed to cure my sadness. The anti-anxiety pills that are supposed to "slow my mind down" and fix everything.

I'm such a fuck up. I bend down and reach under my bed. I search for the actual cure for all my problems, at least temporarily. I finally wrap my hand around the alcohol bottle. I wasn't actually sure what brand it was but I didn't really care.

I tip my head back and put the bottle to my lips. The liquid runs down my throat and begins to drown everything out. With every gulp I take the memories and sadness fade into nothing. Nothing but a buzz is left.

I can't stop drinking. Once the bottle is empty I reach down and grab another and continue with my actions.

I feel myself start to spiral down into a void.

I close my eyes and smile.

I welcome the dark with open arms.



philly isn't so happy as he seemeddddddd

bye bye lovelies

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