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"We have Nathan and Malina's tenth birthday today" I said as I joined my fiancé in the kitchen.
"It's annoying that Hiro had to bring them to back in time just so they would grow up faster" Peter said as he kissed my cheek.
"Your mother said something about its up to them to save the world" I said.
"I know what she said but at least we can thank your dad for saving her after her giving birth with that healing power" Peter said.
"Yeah" I said as he wrapped his arms around me.
Mrs. Petrelli said it was up to the next generation kids to save the world and that's Claire's kids and Peters kids and well you will see who else is involved.
Nathan and Malina Benett Claire's twins sent back in time with Hiro and now is ten but are technically three.
Nathan named after her father, Angela named him when we thought Clarie was dead because Nathan is a power absorber because he's a Petrelli. Power absorber means he takes your powers he can only hold one power and the last power he took was Hiro's power. Nathan has the same power as his great grandfather and his great uncle only difference between him and his uncle though is his uncle takes the power but you don't lose the power and Nathan and his great grandfather takes it completely away. Nathan and Malina grew up away from each other and Claire sorta speak I didn't understand the plan completely.
Malina named after Benett's mom has elemental control. Nathan and her aren't allowed to touch or the world is in danger because she has to have her power in the order to save the world. Again I'm just going by Angela.
That's about Claire's twins she has another kid as well and that's hers and my dads son Noah and he is a year old until my dad fixes Hiro and then he will take Noah to the past and he will grow up and be a year younger than the twins and I that's why my dad is stalling because it took him two weeks to give Claire back her ability. My dad know how to transfer powers he's just a smart man. Noah unfortunately he's a Gray meaning he has the same power has my dad and my dads father but hopefully we are able to keep it controlled by giving him a power he can use come time to save the world.
Angela is convinced that when Peter and I have kids and one of them will be like Peter and absorb powers we just hope that its aborning the powers and letting the other person keep their own power you know like the power Peter has.

"Here's your eggs babe" I said tipping my head back to kiss him.
"Thank you" he said as he kissed me and then removing his arms to grab his plate and then sitting at the table.
"Are you unsure about forcing these poor kids up so quickly" I asked as I joined Peter at the table.
"Yea it's not fair to the parents or the kids." He said.
"I mean I grew up fast but not teleportation fast" I said.
"Very true but look at you now" he said as he held my hand.
I just smiled and drank my coffee.
"Where's your food?" He asked looking at the stove then at me.
"Not really that hungry" I said shrugging my shoulders.
He just shook his head and finished his breakfast.
I graduated from med school two years ago and have been working as an emergency room nurse at the hospital. I was there when Claire came in to give birth to Nathan and Malina.
"Sabrina!" I heard Claire yell as she waddled in.
"Hey are you okay?" I asked as I walked over to her.
"I don't know Sabrina that why I came in" she said as I caught her.
"Your going to be okay" I said as I put her into a wheelchair before putting her in the room.
"Save them don't worry about me" she whispered.
"Nothing is wrong Claire your just going to give birth" I said as I got her in a gown and then in a bed.
"Sabrina I don't want to die" she said.
"Claire you can't die" I laughed as I hooked her to machines and put her iv in.
She just looked at me and she looked real pail.
I looked at her heart rate and then sprinted to the hall.
"Hey I need help in here she needs to have an emergency c-section!" I yelled.
"Claire listen to me we have to do a c-section" I said taking her hand.
She shook her head.
"Yes Claire unless you can do this naturally but you can because your not strong enough." I said
"Watch me!" She said.
I rolled my eyes and checked her and she wasn't lying as the other nurse rushed in we went straight to delivering the twins.
"You gotta push Claire" I said as I looked at her.
She nodded and pushed as hard as she could.
In two big pushes she gave birth to Malina and then Nathan. The nurse and I didn't have time to even show Claire her kids before she she started having a heart attack which was a birth compaction. The nurse and I put the babies into separate beds and then I rushed and started working on Claire.
"No Claire! No you can die!" I screamed as worked on her.
I worked on Claire for thirty minutes and nothing changed I was drug away by the doctor.
I walked to the waiting room where Benett, Mrs. Petrelli, Peter, my dad, and Hiro where.
"I...I couldn't save her" I cried.
Peter rushed over to me and wrapped his arms around me and I cried into his paramedic shirt and he cried into my shirt.
"No that's not possible!" Benett yelled as he ripped me out of Peter arms.
"Why would I lie to you Noah? She my best friend!" I said.
"I want to see for myself" Noah said grabbing me and shoving me forward.
My dad followed behind us probably to make sure he didn't hurt me.
Here I said showing him Claire.
"How?" Bennet asked as I hugged him.
"Come here I want you to meet your grandchildren" I said leading him to a room before grabbing Angela and Hiro bring them to the room as well. Peter had left because he was called to an accident and my dad was I'm not sure where he was.
A nurse and I carried in the babies handing Angela the girl and Noah the boy.
"Claire never got to name them" I said.
"We are naming him Nathan after the son I lost" Angela said looking at the boy that Benett was holding.
"And her Malina after my mother" Benett said looking at the girl.
"Hiro you need to take these two back to the past they need to grown up because in a few years they will be saving the world" Angela said.
"Wait a minute what do you mean?" I asked.
"Claire's kids and Peters kids have a destiny they will save the world in couple years but they need to be older enough and be ready" she said.
"Peter? He doesn't have kids" I said.
"He will in the next four years" she said as Hiro took Nathan and they disappeared to the past 7 years in the past to be exact.
"You get into the files and erase everything about those two kids and Micah will take care of the security cameras" Benett said as Micah showed up and then the two walked away.
I did something I wasn't supposed to do but I had to. I snuck into the files with my nurse code and deleted everything about the twins and the Haitian erased the doctor and the other nurses minds so they didn't remember the twins.
"Ready?" Peter asked as he came up behind me making me jump.
"You okay?" He asked as he rubbed my back as I sat there in the chair in the waiting room.
"Peter if I leave then it's all true" I said.
"I know... I know" he said.
"Peter you mom and Hiro took the twins to the past that way they grow up faster" I said as I looked over at him.
"Why do they need to grow up faster" he asked.
"In a few years Claire's kids and your kids have to save the world" I said.
"I don't have kids" he said looking me straight in the eyes.
"That's what I told your mom that you didn't have kids then she said that you will in the next four years" I said looking back at the ground.
"We just got engaged how can she... Her dreams" he said as he stilled rubbed my back.
We sat in the waiting room for a while before Peter pulled me to my feet.
"Come on let's go home" Peter said as he put his arm around me.
"I tried everything to bring her back Pete. I guess I just failed, I failed her I promised her she would be okay and that her kids would be okay" I said.
"You didn't fail her B" he said as he kissed the side of my head.
We headed for the exit.
"Sabrina!" I heard my dad call.
Peter and I turned around and seen my dad and Claire walking towards us.
"Claire!" I said as she ran to me.
"How did you bring her back" Peter asked as we walked outside.
"I have a healing power I brought her back hours ago but we had to hide for a while" my dad said.
"Why" I asked.
"It was so busy that I couldn't bring a girl who was supposed to be dead out of the hospital" my dad said as we walked down the street.
"I was blaming myself" I said as Peter grabbed my hand.
"Everything is okay Sabrina." Claire said.
"Where's the babies?" Claire asked.
"Hiro and your grandma took them to the past because they have to grow up because in a couple years your kids and Peters kids have to save the world" I said as we stopped in front of my dads apartment building.
"When will I get them?" She asked.
"I'm not sure Claire" I said.
She looked at the ground and entered the apartment building.
"She's okay" my dad said as he hugged me and kissed my head.
I nodded as he went into the building as well.
Claire has been staying with my dad since she came back from Italy about five months ago. She had a small relationship over there that ended the moment he found out she was pregnant and came back and went to my dad. My dad says it's because they are meant to be and I think he's right. He's stepping in and being the father in never got to have but I get to see him raise Claire's wonder twins.
Flashback over
"Ready for work" he asked as he put his plate in the sink.
"Yea" I said with a smile as I took my phone of the charger.
We walked to the front door and he grabbed his bag and then we left.
"You okay. Your acting weird today" he said as we walked hand and hand to work.
"Yea I'm fine" I said with a smile as we walked by my dads apartment building.
"Hi sissy!" I heard Noah yell as he ran to me and Peter.
"Hey buddy" I said as i picked him up brought him back over to my dad.
Noah is my brother and when Peter and I get married Nathan and Malina will be my niece and nephew.
"Hi daddy" I said as I hugged.
"Hey princess" he said with a smile.
"Peter and I will be here for the twins party later" I said with a smile.
"Okay see you guys then" he said as he walked back into the building.
I took Peters hand again as we walked.
"Have a good day" I said as I put my arms around Peters neck.
"You too" he said as he kissed me.
With a smile I headed to where I had to go.
"Sabrina can you get Frank he's asking for you again" One of the nurses called.
I saved frank a few hours ago Peter and his partner brought him in because he tried to kill him self by jumping of a bridge because the over taking of medicine wasn't working fast enough. We pumped his stomach.
"Yes Frank" I asked as I walked in to his room.
"I'm leaving. I just wanted to thank you for saving my life" he said as he put his watch on.
"No problem" I said.
"Your a cute nurse" he said with a wink.
"Thanks" I said as I walked out and went and started on my paper work.
"Hi Sabrina" Emma said as she walked up to me.
"Hey" I said with a smile.
"When's the big day?" She asked.
"It's next month" I said with a smile.
I had been so busy I had actually forgotten that next month I was going to become Mrs.Peter Petrelli. I bet Peter didn't forget and I'll bet Claire and my dad didn't forget either.
"I'm so happy for you guys" she said as she went to the filing room.
*couple hours later*
"I'm starving" I said as I hopped on to our bed next to Peter who was watching the news.
"You should have eaten breakfast and lunch" he said as he slowly looked at me.
"I wasn't hungry" I laughed.
"We will eat at your dads" he said as he kissed me.
"Peter!" I whined.
"Sabrina" he said pulling me up off the bed.
I kissed him and he backed up to the closet door and we kept kissing very intensely.
"Sabrina not now. Not right before we go to your fathers house" he said as he stopped kissing me.
"Ugh this adult thing is stupid" I said as I followed Peter out of our room.
"I know it's so hard to be an adult Sabrina" Peter laughed as he pecked my lips.
He took my hand as we walked out of the apartment.
"If my dad doesn't have food out I'm raiding his refrigerator" I said as we arrived outside of my dad apartment building.
"Gray.. And I can only call you that for one more month" Claire said as we walked in the door.
"Your right we are switching last names" I said as I hugged her.
"This kid has been waiting on his sister all day" my dad said as he handed me Noah.
"Hi Noah" I said giving my little brother a hug.
"You know I wanted a little brother when I was little growing up and I turned 18 and I get a little brother" I laughed as I hugged my dad.
"So Nathan is with my dad and Malina is with my grandma" Claire said as I put Noah down.
"When are they going to be back?" I asked.
"Next year. No I'm kidding in a bit." Claire said.
"Have you fixed Hiro?" Peter asked my dad.
"I did" my dad said.
"When's he taken your son?" Peter asked.
"When they take your son" my dad said.
"She's not even pregnant how do you know anything" Peter asked.
"She will be soon" Mrs. Petrelli said as she walked in with Malina.
"How do you know it will be a boy?" I asked.
"Well in my dream last night there was three boys and one girl" she said.
"What does that mean?" I asked.
"Nathan, Noah, baby boy, and me" Malina said with a dah tone.
I shrugged my shoulders and looked at my dad.
"What?" He asked.
"I'm hungry" I said.
"Can't eat with out me Brina" Nathan said as he walked in.
"Your here now Nathan" I laughed.
"But if I teleport out of the apartment then I'm not here" he laughed.
"You win" I said as I sat on the couch.
"Good because there's pizza in the kitchen" he said as he ran to the kitchen.
I got up and followed everyone to the kitchen.
After dinner the twins opened presents and the. We had cake and ice cream.
"Uncle Peter the next time we go to grandmas will you play catch with me?" Nathan asked.
"Of course" Peter said with a smile.
We sat in the living and had fun with the twins they told us all about school.
"I actually went to China yesterday" Nathan said with a laugh.
"Yea he took his brother with him" my dad said.
"You didn't take your sister?" I asked.
"She was reading a novel" he said said.
"Nice job Malina" I said.
"Thank you it's almost finished" she said.
"I'm glad your father was able to save me" Claire said with a big smile.
"Me too. I need my best friend" I said.
"Me too" she said.
"I think Noah is tired" I said pointing at the one year older who was curled up on a chair.
"I think so too" she said as her and I got up and took him to his room.
Nathan and Noah share a room and Malina has her own room obviously because she's the only girl.
"You excited for your wedding" Claire asked.
"Yeah definitely" I said.
"How about that kid Angela said you guys are going to have?" She asked.
"I guess so" I said.
"Why are you nervous about a kid" she asked.
"I won't be good because I never had a stable home Claire" I said as I laid my little brother down and tucked him in.
"Not an excuse Sabrina you were cared for people loved you" she said.
"Didn't have experience with kids and babies" I said.
"You've been around since the day Nathan and Malina were born and they love you and your good with them" she said as she slowly shut the door.
"I don't know" I said as we got back into the living room.
"Tell you what your getting married before so you tell me about about that married life when I get married and when you are pushing out that baby I'll tell you all about the having kids life deal?" Claire said as she hugged me.
"Ready?" Peter asked as he walked over to me.
"Yea" I said.
"Bye guys" Peter said as we headed for the door.
"Bye Peter and Sabrina" Claire called.
I waved as I hugged my dad.

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