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I woke up to my water breaking and my eyes shot open and Peter was gone.
I looked at the time and it was 7:00.
I have been on bed rest since September and its December now actually it's Peters birthday.
"Peter!" I yelled as I slowly got out of bed.
"What?" He asked as he ran in.
"Happy birthday my water broke" I said as I waddled over to the closet to get dressed.
"Okay" he said as he helped me.
Normal people would pack a bag but the way we are doing this Matt is making everyone in the hospital forget everything.
We walked out of the apartment and got into our car.
Peter put his arm around me as we walked into the hospital. The nurses put me in a room and that's were I sat with Peter by my side.
As I sat there I remembered when Claire had Noah.

"This isn't going to be like last time right?" Claire asked me as I sat with her.
My dad was on his way with the twins who were 8.
"No I won't be" I said.
"Promise" she said as she grabbed me and squeezed my arm.
"Yes this is a normal thing" I said as I Pride her hand off my arm.
"I would think I couldn't feel labor pains" she said as I stood up.
"Yea you just won't feel him come out I guess" I said as I walked to the door.
"Don't you fucking leave Sabrina!" She screamed.
"I have to do my rounds then I'll be back I promise" I said as I left.
"I'm going to find you!" I heard her scream as I walked down the hall.

"Done with rounds" she asked as I walked back in.
"Yea" I said.
"It's been four hours since we called you dad where in he!" She yelled as he walked in.
"Right there" I said.
"Good I'm going to fucking kill you Gabriel!" She screamed as she grabbed his coat.
"Are you?" He said with a smirk.
"You make me sick" she said.
"You did this dad and you deal with the out come" I laughed as I sat down and watched.
"Your not funny Sabrina Renée!" My said giving me the look.
"Your right I'm sorry" I said as I laughed.
"Your being very immature for a nineteen year old" Claire yelled.
"I don't have responsibilities" I laughed.
"Peter get your fiancée out of here" my dad said as Peter walked in.
They were right I was acting immature but in my defense I didn't have the opportunity when I was young plus I was getting Claire's mind off her labor pains.
Peter looked at me.
"Okay I'm sorry I'm done" I said as I got up and walked out with Peter.
"Behave" he said as we stood in the hall.
"Okay father" I said with a laugh.
"I'm not your father if I was you father I wouldn't be able to do this" he said as he smashed his lips to mine.
"Your right" I said as we pulled away from our kiss.

We waited in the hall and waited for baby Gray to be born. It was hours before he was actually born and Malina and Nathan were almost asleep by the time he was born. Peter carried Nathan into the room and I carried Malina in.
"Meet baby Noah" Claire said as her kids sat on her bed.
"Hi Noah" the twins said at the same time.
Flashback over

"Peter?" I question.
"Huh?" He asked as he looked at me.
"I'm scared" I whispered.
"Me too" he said as he kissed my head.
I had a hold of Peters hand a squeezed his hand every time I had a contraction. He kept his arm around me up until it was actually time to give birth and then he helped deliver. The doctors and nurses cleaned him off and the Peter carried him over.
"He looks like a Jess" Peter said as he handed me our son.
"Jess Petrelli welcome to our crazy world" I said as everyone walked in.
The twins we the first over to Peter and I. Peter told everyone his named and everyone seemed to like it almost as much as Peter and I did.
"He's our cousin right?" Malina said.
I nodded.
"Noah look it's your nephew" Claire said as she showed Noah Jess.
The way our family is. Nathan and Malina being Peters niece and nephew and then Noah being my brother.
"He looks like Peter when he was born" Angela said with a smile as she looked at her grandson.
Angela has three grandsons now Nathan's two sons and then now Peters son and then she has one granddaughter which is Claire. She has two great grandsons and one great granddaughter. My dad only has Jess which is his grandson and honestly he his happy about Jess which its what I thought he would be but I mean I'm married to the greatest guy in the world.
Peter and I held our son as much as we could before they decided it was time to take him actually we made a deal with them that both Peter and I get to feed Jess one bottle each. I had the first feeding which was at 7:30 which was thirty minutes after he was born and Peter was waiting for the next feed time.
"He does look like you" I said with a smile.
"Yea?" He said as he kissed us both on the head.
"Better to look like a Petrelli then a Gray" I said with a smile.
"What he it little girl" my dad said with a laugh.
"I'm just kidding dad I carry the Gray name with pride" I said as I slowly looked at Peter.
He was laughing, they we both laughing. Jess and Noah were Gray and Petrelli babies the mixture is real.
"I think it's feed time there Peter" Angela said.
"Okay" Peter said as a nurse walked in with a bottle.
As he feed the baby I went and got dressed because as soon as he was done they were taking Jess and Noah.
I walked back into the room and Jess was finished.
"He wanted to tell Mom he would see her soon" Peter said as he handed me Jess.
"I love you Jess" I said as I kissed him on the head.
"Okay let's get this done" Angela said as she took Jess in in her arms and Noah held Hiros hand while his other hand was on Angela's shoulder and just like that they were gone.
I turned and barred my face in Peters shirt as he wrapped his arms around me as we walked out with Claire, my dad, and the twins. The Haitian cleared the twins memories of this while Matt convinced the hospital that none of us were ever there.
Peter and I went and sat in the car for a bit and then we headed home.

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