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It's been a couple hours since Claire and Nathan left to go home. I was upset that Peter and Jess seen me like this. Even in the coma I heard talking.
"Sabrina you can't die! Damn it I hate that I can't even be here for you baby I love you." Peter said.
"Momma I don't have time to really talk just know I was the only one who could save you and now dad and I have to run don't worry we will see you soon I love you ma" Jess said
Flashback over
"Sabrina Petrelli?" A man said as he walked in.
I looked at him.
"Or shall I say Sabrina Clark " he said as he sat down.
"Sabrina Clark is clearly my name" I said.
"No it's now it's Sabrina Petrelli, wife of Peter Petrelli, mother of Jess Petrelli. Your the daughter of Elena Hunter and Gabriel Gray, half sister to Noah Gray." The man said.
"Why do you know my history like that?" I asked.
"Your an evo it's not hard" he laughed.
"Am I?" I laughed.
I haven't had powers for 3 years so I wasn't even sure if I was considered an EVO was it just in my blood since both my parents are EVOs.
"Yes now I'll be back with a chip and my laptop. Don't go anywhere like you could anyway" he laughed as he left.
"Can and will" I mumbled as I called Nathan and had him teleport here to get me and bring me home.
"Sabrina what's wrong?" Claire asked as she walked into the living room.
I was now sitting on the couch next to my nephew.
That's what he was even though he was my stepbrother he was my nephew first.
"They found me and they know everything about us" I said.
"What?" Claire asked.
"They know our real names and all about our family" I said.
"No! We have four months left before the kids save the world we can't have them after us" Claire said.
"Aunt Sabrina do you have a chip?" Nathan asked.
"No I called you as soon as he left to go get it" I said.
"Okay. I had Peter dig mine out" Nathan said.
"You were caught?" I asked.
"When I tried to help you with my blood but I wasn't a match so I went for Jess" he said slowly.
"Honestly how am I considered an EVO since I'm powerless" I asked.
"Your not" Nathan said as something went flying.
"Telekinesis" I whispered.
"Jess was the key" Claire said.
"What?" I asked.
"He was the key to getting your powers back" Claire said as she hugged me.
"That's way your face isn't bruised anymore" Nathan said with a smile.
"So dad have you gotten me a cure for my powers yet?" I asked.
"Not yet sweet pea." He said as he looked at me.
"Dad it's been 2 year since I lost them" I declared.
"I know honey I just have to figure out what or who the key is to getting them back" he said.
Flashback over
"Oh my god Jess was the key" I said slowly.
Suddenly soldiers busted in the door and Claire and I distracted them that way Nathan could get away.
The plan worked for Nathan's sake not so much for Claire and I we were sent to an EVO holding cell.
"Hello Sabrina Petrelli and Claire Gray" a man said as he walked in.
We sat there and didn't speak.
"Okay I'll talk and you guys listen then" he said.
Still Claire and I were silent both of us praying Nathan went straight to Bennett he was his only option at the moment because at this point Hiro was taken by Erica and her team to get things to the future that way when the H.E.L.E comes she can save people that is if your not an EVO. She had Molly for a device that would detect EVO for people and then Micah was being held somewhere by Erica for his power and Matt Parkman disappeared and we can only assume that Matty is hidden somewhere.
We are now two months away from the H.E.L.E.
"Claire Gray daughter of Meredith Gordon and Nathan Petrelli whom are both dead. Adopted by Noah and Sandra Bennett when your birth mother though you were dead. Meredith died because of her power and your now husband killed your father Nathan. Your married to Gabriel Gray and the two of you share a son Noah Gray and then you have twins Nathan and Malina Bennett." He said with a smirk.
I could tell Claire was upset over the long past he had dug up reminding her of her parents and past life.
"Sabrina Petrelli daughter of Elena Hunter and Gabriel Gray. Thrown in the foster care after your mother died the night before your first birthday. Found by your father two days before you turned eleven. When you were fifteen your father disappeared and Peter took over and watched you. You graduated high school when you were sixteen and you graduated medical school when you were eighteen. Your married to Peter Petrelli and the two of you share a son Jess Petrelli whom is the one that saves you" he said smirking.
I looked away.
"Don't you guys worry Erica is looking for your families and Nathan is the first one they are after" he laughed.
Claire tried to get up but failed do to the restraints.
"He's a smart kid you won't find him!" I yelled.
"Your wrong!" He yelled as Claire and I were injected with a chip.
Our family was now in the system and I couldn't do a thing about it.
Jess POV
"Dad we need to find out if mom is okay" I said as we drove down the street.
After I saved mom my dad and I took off for Rhode Island for hiding.
"Jess I want that too but we can't risk being caught" he said.
I hated moving I hated being without mom and so did dad.
"Two more months" I said as I looked out the window.
My hopes is that we will save the stupid world and then us EVOs will be respected and never have to run and hide ever again.
Also I wanted a baby sister but my parents don't know that. Just one of my friends Ally had a baby sister and she said it was really cool being an older sister and honestly I wanted to be a big brother like Nathan and Malina not that they really have had time to be Noah's older siblings.
I know that my parents want to have a baby since they didn't get to really have me as a baby and I feel kinda bad even though it wasn't my choice.
In two months Malina, Nathan, Noah, and I will meet under the clock tower in Odessa and save the damn world and honestly I want it to come faster I'm sick of this stupid life.
Nathan's POV
I teleported to a phone booth in Huston and called my grandpa.
"Grandpa it's Nathan" I said into the phone as I looked around.
"Nathan where are you?" He asked
"Huston Grandpa my mom and aunt told me to run they found us and I have know where to go" I said with tears falling.
"Okay I'm in Illinois the last place you lived meet me here" he said.
I hung up and teleported to Illinois.
"Grandpa!" I said as I ran up to him.
"Hey Nathan" he said calmly.
I had faith he kept my mother safe all her life he could keep me safe for a few more months.
I thought for a moment and remember Emily and ran for the ice cream shop.
"Tommy!" Emily yelled as she ran over to me.
We hugged and I swung her around. I missed her so much we kept in contact and talked as often as we could but they were short so if someone was going to hurt me they wouldn't go after her.
"I missed you" she said.
"I missed you too" I said.
It was a hug I was scared of letting go of a hug that made me whole.
"Nat...Tommy" my grandpa said as he walked in.
We stopped hugging and I looked at him as I grabbed Emily's hand.
"We need to go" he said.
I nodded.
"I'm call you and tell you everything" I whispered in her ear as I hugged her again.
I walked out with my grandpa and walked down the street and then I heard.
"Tommy!" Emily yelled.
I stopped and turned around and she ran up to me and smashed her lips to mine.
The kiss felt like fireworks.
"Just something until we see each other again" she said with a small smile as she walked away.
"Come on Romeo" my grandpa said as he shoved me into a car.

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