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I'm still not over the attack that happened to me about 3 years ago. Physically I'm fine mentally I'm not. I've been trying to get my powers back what ever power I actually had which was one of the causes for my attack.
So much has changed like us special are actually called EVOS but we aren't taken as friendly people at least not since the attack that Erica Kravid cause in Odessa last year which killed many people and she blamed on none other than Mohinder.
My dad and Claire moved to California after the attack and Malina was sent to Alaska with Angela's friend just so Malina can learn about her power. Noah remains with them and Nathan is still with Peter, Jess, and I.
Molly Walker is hiding out in North Dakota and Micah was in Colorado but is missing at the moment and as for Matty Parkman he's with his mother as Matt is working for Erica.
Nathan and Malina are 16, Noah and Jess are 15, Molly is 19 as is Micah, and Matty is 18.
"Keep a low profile guys" I said as I walked Jess and Nathan into yet another new school.
"I'm sorry I tried" Nathan said.
"I know you did none of this is your fault" I said as I hugged my nephew.
"Can I do sports," Jess asked.
"As long as you keep control of your self" I said.
"I will I swear" Jess claimed.
"Better" Nathan said as he watched a girl walk by.
"Okay anyway Nathan your name is..."
I started.
"I know Aunt Sabrina Tommy Clark and Jess is my little brother Brain Clark" Nathan said with a smile.
"I really hate that name" Jess piped in.
"Deal with it" I said as pushed the boys toward the office.
"Bye" they both said as she walked into the office.
Jess is a sophomore and Nathan is a Junior.
I walked out of the school watching people closing due to me still being paranoid. I got into my car and looked at the school and remembered that by the time I was Nathan's age I was in college. I started the car and headed to work. I work at the library and Peter works at the post office, both down graded jobs from what we are use to but we had to change a lot of things in the order to hide.
Nathan's POV
I watched the girl that I had seen early talk with who I assumed was her boyfriend and as I did so I put stuff in my locker.
"Emily Duval" I heard a voice behind me say.
I turned around and seen Jess.
"I know who she is" I said.
"Well then you also know that her boyfriend can kick your ass" Jess said.
"Sure about that" I said.
"Proposing you don't use your powers" Jess shrugged.
"Yea I'm not going to" I said as the girl walked by.
"Whelp I'm heading to class see you later Tommy" Jess said as he walked away.
I shut my locker and then suddenly Emily's boyfriend walked over.
"Who do you think your are crushing on my girl?" He said.
"I'm sorry" I said looking at this kid that towered over me.
"Better be" he said pushing me into the lockers causing me to raise my arm.
"What?" The boy yelled.
"No powers" I heard my uncles voice ring in my head.
"Nothing" I said as the boy laughed and walked away.
First day of school and I almost blow it.
I got up and went to class.
*later last bell*
"Hey" I heard a girl say from behind me.
I turned and seen none other than Emily.
"Hi" I said.
"I heard what Brad did this morning it was totally out of line" she said with a smile.
"It's okay"  I said.
"But hey we have an opening down at the ice shop our scooper go fired you should apply for the job." She said.
"Oh I don't know" I said as I glanced up and seen Jess waiting for me.
"I'm doing the interviews" she said.
"We will see. I'll ask my mom" I said with a smile.
"Okay hopefully I'll see you tonight then" she said as she walked away. "Oh and welcome to Pinehearst High School"
"Hopefully and thank you" I said as I walked over to Jess.
"What was that?" He asked.
"She wants me to try and get a job at the ice cream shop" I said as we walked down the street.
"That's cute throwing Nathan into the work force" Jess laughed.
"Stop" I said as I rolled my eyes.
"So is the Rumors true Nathan did Brad find you today?" Jess asked.
Jess is a corrupted kid he use to be different a lot different but after Sabrina was kidnapped and while she recovered he started having problems not bad ones because Peter seen to them. Jess is a good kid a lot like his father but  he has his grandfather attitude along with his fathers and they clash often.
"Yes" I said.
"Did he kick your butt" Jess asked.
"No just shoved me and I had to stop my self from sending him somewhere in space" I said.
"Good thing you didn't because then we would have to completely move from this state and I don't want to move again" Jess said.
"Neither do I Jess but remember last time it was you who messed up" I reminded my cousin.
"True" Jess shrugged.
We walked in our house and I started homework as I watched the clock and waited for Sabrina or Peter to come home.
"Did my grandfather call?" Jess asked as he messed with the home phone.
"I don't think so" I said as I got up and clicked the answering machine button.
"You have one new message from Sylar" the machine said.
"Jess he did!" I yelled.
"Okay thanks" Jess yelled back.
He has his moments of good and bad.
They say good over comes back and I like to believe it because look at my step father Sylar he was a bad guy and his daughter Sabrina changed him into a good guy.
"Hey" Sabrina said as she walked in the door.
"Aunt Sabrina" I said as I hoped up from my seat and ran to the front door.
"Nathan?" She question.
"Can I please go and apply for a job at the ice cream shop" I asked.
"Sure I mean it keeps you looking like a normal kid" she said nodding.
Honestly the entire Gray/Petrelli family has managed thus far to stay off the Erica radar. We are supposed to be registered EVOS but none of us are.
"Thank you" I said as I grabbed my jacket and headed for the ice cream shop.

"Hey Emily" I said as I walked in.
"Tommy you here for the interview?" She asked.
"Yea" I said with a smile.
"Okay come here" she said as I followed her into an office.
She asked me questions and the gave me the job.
"Can you start tomorrow?" She asked.
"Yea" I said.
"Okay stick around and I'll get your uniform" she said as I walked back out to the shop part.
I seen a guy that I had seen a couple nights before at an EVO meeting that I decided to attend which nobody but Jess knows about.
"May I sit" I asked as I sat down.
"Um sure" he said.
"You made it out? They said everyone burned" I said.
"They were wrong" a lady said as she pointed a gun at me.
"Whoa what's this" I said as I slowly stood up.
"I'm sorry" the man said.
I looked around and decided to take a run for the shops back door and the people followed and so did Emily.
"Stop running" the woman said.
"Tommy!" Emily yelled.
"Two for one" the lady said as she pointed the gun at Emily.
"Stop" I said.
"No" she said as I ran up to her and the man and made them disappear.
"Whoa Tommy!" Emily said.
And I did something that was going to make us move completely out of the State of Illinois.
I looked at my hands and ran and Emily ran after me.
"Wait!" She yelled as I ran down the sidewalk and she stayed put.
Once I was sure she couldn't see me I started walking and that's when a car appeared next to me.
"Tommy" she said.
"Look what you seen I was... Bye it was nice seeing you I'll be in Florida or something by tomorrow" I said referring to moving.
"I won't tell and then You can stay!" Emily said.
"You would do that" I asked.
"Yes" Emily said.
"Thank you so much" I said with a smile on my face.
"So I'll see you at school tomorrow" she asked.
"Yes you will" I said as I walks the rest of the way home.

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