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*Peters POV*
"Woah mom slow down" I said into the phone.
"Peter where is your wife?" She asked.
"At work. Why?" I asked.
"I had a dream Peter. Find you wife before they do" she said.
"Who does?" I asked as I grabbed my stuff and ran to the nursing station.
We have been in Illinois for a few years now.
"Them Peter them" she said.
"Mom your scaring me" I said as I walked up to a nurse.
"Hey Sabrina Petrelli where is she" I asked the lady.
"I don't know" the lady said.
"She's my wife" I said.
"Okay I still don't know she never came in today" she said as she walked away.
"Mom she never came to work." I said as I ran through the hospital to the front doors.
"Peter find her before they do unless they already have her" my mom said.
"Mom who are they and why do they want her?" I yelled as I ran down the street toward my house.
"The people Peter the people after EVOS" she said.
"Why?!? Why are they after my wife!" I yelled.
"She's important Peter more than any of us ever knew" my mom said.
"What's that mean?" I asked.
"You will see Peter" she said as I walked up to my front door.
"Mom tell me now!" I said as I opened my door.
Everything was destroyed burned and everything.
"Sabrina!" I yelled as I ran through the house.
"Sabrina!" I screamed.
"She isn't there is she Pete?" My mom asked.
"No but she put up a good fight" I said as I walked to the kitchen.
"Of course she did" my mom said as I came across a note.

Dear Peter Petrelli,
I've taken something of yours she's very important but you didn't know how much in fact she doesn't even know. To add to all that specialness she is very important to, two of the most powerful men in the world. She's what makes you both tick... If you ever want to see your beautiful wife again you will do everything I ask. We will be in touch until next time.
From an EVOS worst nightmare

"Great ma real great" I said into the phone.
"What?" She asked.
"They left a note ma. They were in my house and I wasn't here to protect her" I said as I sat down at my table.
"Peter she needs you now more than ever you need to find her and bring her home" my mom said.
"I can't do it alone" I said.
"I know Sylar will be there to help and Nathan and Jess will come to New York with me" my mom said.
"Jess won't" I said as I looked around my burned house.
"He doesn't have a choice Peter. Ass soon as those two get home sent them here on a train" she said.
"I'll try" I said.
"You better this isn't Jess fight his fight isn't for another few years" my mom said.
"Mom he is 13 years old he's going to pull the I'm old enough to help thing" I said.
"Your his boss Peter and you tell him what to do. This is a fight for you and Sylar alone" she said as she hung up.
I slammed my phone down and ran my hand through my hair.
"Damn it!" I screamed as I got up.
"Dad?" Jess questioned as he and Nathan walked in.
"Jess?" I said as I met him at the door.
"Why are you here?" He asked.
"I'm going on a mission" I said.
"Oh cool can I come?" He asked.
"No you can't. Both of you are going to grandmas for a while" I said.
"What happened to our house!" Jess said pushing past me.
I couldn't tell him how do you tell a kid that there mother was kidnapped because she's special and because she is attached to two of the most powerful men in the world.
"Mom!" Jess screamed as he ran up stairs.
"Mommy!" Jess screamed as he ran back down the steps.
Jess has only ever called Sabrina Mommy when he was scared or upset.
"Come on bro lets get packed" Nathan said as he lead Jess up stairs.
"Pete?" I heard Sylars voice.
"Sylar!" I said as I turned and looked at him.
"Never thought you would be so happy to see me" he laughed.
"Don't flatter your self. Look around" I said.
"Holy shit what happened" he said as he walked over to me.
"They came to get her and they got her" I said.
"What!" He yelled his voice rattling the house.
"The evo killers" I crocked.
"Why did they take Sabrina!" He yelled as he pinned me to the wall.
"I don't know! My mom called me about a dream which I ran home found this and a note it's on the table." I said.
"Show me the note!" He yelled as he let go of me.
I ran for the kitchen and grabbed the note.
"Dear Peter Petrelli,
I've taken something of yours she's very important but you didn't know how much in fact she doesn't even know. To add to all that specialness she is very important to, two of the most powerful men in the world. She's what makes you both tick... If you ever want to see your beautiful wife again you will do everything I ask. We will be in touch until next time.
From an EVOS worst nightmare" he read out loud.
"What the hell does this mean?" He yelled handing me the note back.
"I'm not sure" I said.
"Grandpa!" Jess said as he ran over and hugged Sylar.
"Hey buddy" Sylar said as he hugged Jess.
"Moms gone" Jess said as he looked at the ground.
"We know and we will find her and bring her home" Sylar said as Jess released his hug and walked over to me.
"Nathan and I are riding the train I guess" Jess said as he hugged me.
"Yes" I said as I hugged him back and then handed him money.
"Find my mom and bring her home and kill the butt holes who took her!" Jess yelled as he grabbed his stuff and followed Nathan out the door.
"She special but what does that even mean. We know she is special but how special and why is it important?" Sylar asked.
"I'm not sure even my mom says she is special" I said.
"She's even more special because she's..." Sylar started.
"She's our weak spot" I said as I looked at him.
"She's a weak spot to two of the most powerful men in the world" Sylar said as he looked at me.
"So what are we going to do?" I asked.

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