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Peters POV
It was decided almost instantly what Sylar and I had to do in the order to get Sabrina back.
"First we go to Molly Walker and then to my mother" I said as I walked out of the house with Sylar right behind me.
"Mohinder must know her power as well" Sylar said as we both fly to New York.
"Let's hope" I said as we landed in front of Mohinders apartment building
I raced through the doors and up the steps.
"Mohinder!" I yelled as I pounded on the door.
"Peter?" Molly asked as she opened the door.
Molly Walker; 16 years old.
"Where is Mohinder?" I asked as Sylar and I pushed past her.
"He's at the office I can call him" she said as she shut the door and picked up the phone.
"Tell him it's urgent!" Sylar yelled.
Molly nodded as she walked away.
I slammed my head on the wall and let tears fall.
"Pete stop!" Mohinder said as he busted in the door. "What's wrong?"
"Sabrina is gone they took her she has some great special power" I yelled.
Mohinder raced to his desk and pulled up her file.
"Oh shit" Mohinder said.
"What?" I yelled.
"Somethings are left better unsaid and unseen" Mohinder said.
"No games! Tell me what's so special about my daughter!" Sylar roared as he pushed me back.
"The less you know the better" Mohinder said.
"This isn't a game she's missing and the longer she is missing the better chance is that she is dieing. I'm not losing my daughter and Peter isn't losing his wife and that little boy Jess isn't losing his mother! I lost my parents when I was young and Sabrina lose her mother when she was a baby and lost me countless times." Sylar screamed.
"Sylar trust me" Mohinder said.
"Listen to me you tell me why daughter is so special" Sylar with his finger ready to slice Mohinder open.
"I'll track her" Molly said as she walked in.
"Yes please" I said as I looked at Molly.
"While she tracks her down you will tell me why she is special" Sylar yelled.
"Telekinesis" Mohinder whispered.
"So I have that!" Sylar said.
"Mind control" Mohinder said as he scrolled.
"So Matt Parkman has it" Peter chimed in.
"In her DNA she carries something that the world needs desperately that you can take right out of here blood and destroy the world. That's the cause of those things in here head." Mohinder said.
"What's with the powers you named" Sylar asked.
"Those are her hidden powers" Mohinder said as he shut off his computer.
"Ready?" Molly asked.
"I'll do it Molly" I said as I took her power.
"Fine" she said as I shut my eyes.
"Hello Sabrina Gray or should we call you by your married name Sabrina Petrelli" a man as he ran his hand across her face.
I squeezed my eyes shut.
"California. Warehouse. Top story." I yelled as I opened my eyes.
"Hello?" I said as I answered my cell.
"Me. Petrelli I assume you seen my well written note I left in your nicely burned house. Thank your wife by the way" the man said.
"Who are you?" I asked.
"Jim" he said.
"Well Jim let my wife go out your going to have a problem" I said.
"What's that Peter? Take her shirt off okay?" He said as I heard Sabrina scream.
"Don't touch her " I screamed.
"Her pants" the man said.
"What's your game?" I cried.
"You and Sylar listen to me for a change" Jim said.
"What " I asked.
"You two are the most powerful men in the world it's very cute home you both have a weak sport for Sabrina Renee Petrelli.
"What's that mean" I asked.
"Means I can do stuff to this girl and you both squirm and I find it amusing." Jim said slowly.
"We need to meet I'll give you money if you give me my wife" I screamed.
"Man Peter she's only in a bra and underwear at the moment." Jim laughed.
"Peter help!" I heard Sabrina yelled and the. She was slapped.
"Stop it" I yelled.
"This is fun" Jim said as he hung up.
"Let's go!" I yelled as I took Sylars powers and then ran out the door and flow to California.
Sabrina's POV
"Hello Mrs. Petrelli" a man said as I walked into my living room.
"Who are you" I asked.
"That's not important right now" he said as he nodded as if he was signaling others to come out of hiding.
I dropped my purse and started throwing fire balls at people burning them.
"I'm the daughter of Gabriel Gray I can fight" I yelled as I threw more fire balls.
"Great to know Mrs. Petrelli except we know who you are more if you mush know" he said as I continued throwing fire balls and destroying my home.
Suddenly I felt a needle plunge into my shoulder and then I blacked out.

"Let me go you ass hole" I screamed.
"No" the man said as he slapped me.
"My husband and my father will come for me" I said.
"I'm counting on it. I've been planning for years to get my hands on them and drain their powers and then I found my way to get to them and it's you honey your there weak spot. Not to mention your pretty special your self Queen" he laughed.
"Huh?" I asked.
"Oh you didn't know about your true power?" He said.
"It's fire manipulation and healing" I said as I tried to use my powers.
"Won't work sweet heart" he said as he planted a kiss on my lips.
"Gross!" I screamed as I kicked him in the balls.
"Bitch!" He yelled as he punched me.
"It doesn't hurt" I laughed
"What do you say we call Mr. Petrelli" he said as he picked up his phone.
He called Peter and they were talking when he suddenly ripped my shirt off.
"Hey!" I yelled.
They talked more until suddenly my pants came off.
After a while the guy stated I was only in my bra and underwear.
"Peter Help!" I screamed and suddenly I was slapped hard and I knew Peter heard it.
"This is fun" Jim said as he hung up.
"Once they get here sweet heart all three of you will die. First you right in front of hubby and daddy then Hubby and then daddy" Jim said as he played with his knife.
"Won't work that way" I said.
"You sure because I'm winning" he said with a smile.
"Leave them alone!" I cried.
"Oh I'm sorry which one is your weak spot? Oh right both of them" he said as the blade met my neck.
"Just leave them!" I said.
"I'm sorry Sabrina that's not how it's going to work and it never will. Your losing your life then Peter will and then Sylar. Of course they lose their life after they watch you die and after I take their powers and once I'm the powerful one I'll go after every other EVO out there" Jim said taking the knife away.
All I could think about was Jess my baby and I let tears fall as I looked at the ground.
"Do you have a problem?" Jim asked.
"No" I said shaking my head.
"Oh yea wasn't it four years ago that you gave birth to a son?" The man said.
"Leave him alone" I screamed.
"Yea I thought so" he said laughing.
Peters pov
"This is the place" I said as I looked at Sylar.
"Let's go!" Sylar said busting in with his telekinesis.
I followed him in and when we got in and on the top floor we heard Sabrina scream which made my blood boil.
I looked at Sylar and he looked at me and we both went in the room and seen the guy and Sabrina who was beaten.
Sabrina's power wasn't working.
"How nice of you to join us" Jim said as he walked over to us.
"We are here strictly to kill you and your men and save Sabrina" Sylar said as he pinned Jim up on the wall.
"Well I'm glad you have that attitude. Sabrina honey tell daddy and hubby the plan before I call for back up" Jim said just as Sylar started choking him out with telekinesis.
"No" Sabrina cried as a bunch of guys can in.
"Um Sylar we are in a lot of trouble" I said as I started slicing guys head off.
"You want you wife back at home you gotta work" Sylar said as he sliced Jims head off.
"You want your daughter you better help." I said as we both sliced and diced .
Once they were all dead I raced over to Sabrina and untied her and she instantly wrapped her arms around me.
I seen all the bruises and cuts on her fragile skin as she released the hug.
I took my shirt off and put it on her because her clothes where ruined.
I picked her up bridle style and nodded to Sylar as we walked out and flew to my moms house.
"Mom!" I yelled as I gently put Sabrina on the couch.
"Oh my god" my mom said as she walked in.
"Why isn't she healing" Sylar asked.
I raced to the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth and soaked it with water and walked back to Sabrina and dabbed her cuts.
"Ow" she cried softly every time I dabbed a cut.
"I know baby" I said as I continued
"Her powers are gone" my mom stated.
"Clearly" Sylar yelled.
"Sylar you can't get them back for her like you could with the others." My mom said.
"It's worth a try at least the healing one" Sylar said as he bent down by his daughter. " It's okay baby me and Pete are going to fix you all up"
"And Jess!" Jess said as he joined us in the living room.
"I destroyed the house" Sabrina croaked.
"It's okay mom we can redo it" Jess said as he looked up at me.
"Yea baby we will fix it" I said as I kissed her lips gently.
She tried to kiss back but she was to weak.
"Jess give mom a hug and then go to bed" I said as I looked at Jess who was hurting for Sabrina just like the rest of us.
"I love you mommy" Jess said as he hugged her and walked away.
"Sylar go home to your wife" I said as I looked at Sylar knowing my niece was probably missing him.
He sadly nodded and kissed Sabrina on the head and then left.
I picked up my wife and went to my older room that I had when I was a kid.
"I'm sorry I wasnt there to protect you Sabrina" I said as I laid down next to her.
"It...wasn't... You" she said quietly.
I gently wrapped my arms around my wife and kissed her shoulder.
"I love you" I said.
"I...love...you....too" she said as she fell asleep.

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