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It's been two months since we all moved and it's been hard like last week Nathan had a complete break down and was crying for Claire, which of course Claire couldnt be here so we had to call her on skype which took three hours anyway.
All the kids are in school started about a week after we moved in.
Malina is a Union Wells Middle school cheerleader and Noah is a nerd like his father and his sister. However Nathan is more of a home boy rather be home then out and Jess is always doing something much like his father.
"So if I go back in time?" Jess asked Hiro.
Hiro was over teaching Nathan and Jess how to use the time manipulation power. Peter could have tough them how to use it be he was teaching them about their absorbing power plus he decided it was a job for the master of time and space
"Don't step on any butterflies" Hiro said.
"Meaning?" Nathan asked.
"Don't do anything that will drastically change the present or future" Hiro said.
Time manipulation is Nathan's only power since he can only have one power as for Jess he has time manipulation and healing.
"Got it" the boys said.
Hiro nodded as he said his good byes.
"Mom how will we save the world?" Jess asked as he sat next to me.
"Honestly I'm not sure that's a question for grandma" I said as Peter walked in.
Peter got a job as an EMT here in Illinois and I got a job as a nurse at the hospital.
"Hey" Peter said as he walked over to me and kissed me.
"Hi" I said with a smile.

*next morning Jess pov*
"Jess" I heard my dad say as he shook me.
"Huh" i said as I sat up.
"School" he said as he walked out.
My dad gets up at 5:30 and at work by 6:00 and is home at 4:30 and my mom is up at 6:30 and is at work by 7:00 and is home at 3:30. Nathan and I leave the house at 7:30 and at school by 8:00 and home at 3:00.
I'm in 4th grade and Nathan is in 6th grade so we are at different schools but we walk together mostly because the schools are next door to each other.
I got up and got dressed and went down for breakfast and on the way I knocked on my moms door. When dad leaves it's up to me to make sure mom gets up. I guess when mom was in high school dad had to force her up or she would miss school. Grandpa wasn't around much when my mom was finishing high school.
"Morning" my dad said as he handed me a plate full of pancakes.
My dad makes the worlds best pancakes and my grandpa makes the worlds best waffles.
"Morning" I said as my dad disappeared back up stairs.
"Morning Malina!" Nathan said into the phone.
Those two talk every morning and honestly I'm not sure how I could stand a sibling I mean yea one day I'll have a little brother or sister but not any time soon in mean for the love of god I'm only supposed to be three months old.
"Peter!" I heard my mom yell and I glanced at the stairs and seen my dad walk down the stairs laughing.
"What happened?" I asked.
"Nothing" my dad said as he poured my mom coffee and went back up stairs.
*sabrina's pov*
"Hi mom" Jess said as I walked in the door.
I just hung my jacket up and my keys and walked to the living room. I was feeling ill had been all day light headed and junk like that.
"Mom are you okay?" Jess asked as he and Nathan walked over to me.
I nodded.
"Aunt Sabrina you look really pale" Nathan said.
"I'm...I'm okay" I said as I walked to the kitchen and grabbed a water.
"Mom you need to sit down" Jess said as he ran to my side.
"I'm fine!" I yelled as I grabbed the counter.
"Nathan get her other side" Jess demand.
Nathan ran over and stood on the other side of me opposite of Jess.
"Go do your homework both of you" i said as I walked past them.
"No! Mom something is really wrong listen to me! I'm not losing my mother I'll be damned if I lose my mother at nine years old and think about dad how will he react if you die!" Jess screamed.
I turned and seen how upset my son was and then suddenly I hit the ground and everything was black.
"Mom!" I heard Jess yell.
"Jess you need to claim down and help me carry her to the couch" I heard Nathan say softly.
I assume Jess nodded and they both carried me to the couch.
"I need to call my dad" Jess say.
"I'll call my dad too" Nathan say as I heard him walk out of the living room.
"Daddy?" Jess said into the phone I could hear him trying so hard to be claim.
"It's mom she fell to the ground and its awake" Jess said as he grabbed my hand.
"Um let me check" Jess said as he checked my pulse.
"Yes but it's slow. Daddy I'm scared and I don't know what to do" I hear Jess say as he grabbed my hand again.
"Hurry daddy" I heard Jess say as the phone was hung up.
"Listen mom dad is rushing to get here and he's going to wake you up but you promise me that your not going to leave us here alone" Jess said as he laid his head on my chest.

In Sabrina's head
"Mom what's going on?" I asked as my mom sat next to me.
"Sweetie Mohinder didn't get rid of that in your head forever" she said as she wiped my tears away.
"Am I dieing?" I asked.
"No you can't die sweet heart your father made sure of that one" she said as she rolled her eyes.
"I'm scared ma" I said
"I know and in a few moments Peter will be here and he will fix everything and your father is on his way to Sabrina don't give up" she yelled as she disappeared.
Back to reality

"Sabrina" I heard Peter say as he started doing his paramedic stuff.
"Daddy don't let her die we need her" I heard Jess say.
"She won't Jess I know how to handle this she did this when she was 15 and 16" Peter said as he continued to work.
"Where is she?" I heard my dad yell.
"Sylar I have it" Peter yelled.
"Mohinder said it wouldn't happen again" my dad said as he moved hair from my face.
"Clearly he was wrong" Peter said sounding annoyed.
"Your not working fast enough Peter" my dad yelled.
"Let me do my god damn job. I'm not about to lose my wife and I'm not about to let Jess lose his mother or you lose a daughter so shut up" Peter said.
"Dad" Jess said.
"Jess I want you and Nathan to go to the kitchen and work on homework" my dad said.
"But grandpa" Jess said.
"Jess Petrelli what did I say?" My fathers voice boomed and then instantly you heard his feet run across the floor and Nathan's follow close behind.
"She stable no telling when she will wake" Peter said as he gently kissed my lips.
I heard Peter get up off the floor and put his medical stuff away.
"Hey sweet heart its daddy you need to wake up honey" my dad said as I heard Peter walk back over.
"Come on Sabrina" Peter said as he put his hand on my cheek.
The familiar warmth of Peters hand made me snap back to reality but I couldn't open my eyes no matter how hard I tried.
"Dad that was mom on the phone she said dinner was ready" I heard Nathan tell my dad.
It was clear that my dad flew here with the power he stole from the one and only Nathan Petrelli.
"Okay thanks Nate" my dad said as he gently pressed a kiss to my forehead.
"No problem dad" Nathan said.
My dad is the only one in the world that calls Nathan Nate.
"Pete make sure you feed them kids cuz if you don't Sabrina will kick your ass when she wakes up" I heard my dad say as the front door opened then closed again.
After a while I felt Peter get up and heard him in the kitchen making dinner for the boys.
"Dad when will mom wake up?" I heard Jess ask.
"I'm not sure buddy" Peter said.
"I knew something was wrong when she walked in and was all out of it" Jess said. "I tried to get her to sit down but she wouldn't listen kept saying she was fine but she wasn't dad"
"I know Jess" Peter said.
"Will she be upset that I didn't try hard enough" Jess asked.
"No way Jess she knows you tried she might remember and she might not but either way deep down she knows" Peter said as I heard plates cling together signaling dinner was over and yet I still couldn't get my eyes open.
I laid there on my couch practically died for hours and hours working on opening my eyes and finally three hours after dinner I finally got it.
I took a deep breath as I shot up into a sitting position and looked around an seen Peter sitting in a chair with a folder in his lap and his reading glasses on but as soon as he seen me and ripped off the glasses and slammed the folder down and rushed to my side.
He placed me on his lap as he rubbed my back and I let tears fall.
"It's okay Sabrina everything is okay" Peter said.
"No it's not Peter I passed out again I haven't done that in years. Peter it's back for round two" I cried into his shirt.
"We will get it fixed but until then your not allowed to work" he said.
When he said that it broke my heart I love being a nurse but he was right I could pass out there and that wouldn't be good.
"No Pete you can't do that" I said as I looked at him.
"I can and I will" he said as I pushed away from him.
"No Pete please no" I said as he pulled me close again.
"It's for your health Sabrina it will only be until your better I promise" he said as he picked me up and carried my to bed.
"Swear" I said as he laid me on the bed .
"Swear" he repeated as he shut the door.
I slowly changed into my pjs and crawled into bed next to my husband.
"I love you" he said as I laid my head on his chest.
"I love you too" I said as his arm went around me.

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