You and Bucky

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(Thanks for the support! Its been like 3 days and 32ish reads. I'm proud of that. For no reason. At all. So thanks! And I'd love suggestions! So don't hesitate! Love ya~KC )
So you woke up and walked into the kitchen. Bucky walked over and handed you a coffee. "Go get dressed. We're going out."

"Just us?" He nodded.

"(y/n), its time for a talk."

I was confused by this but went and changed after draining the coffee. You chose the simple outfit. A black Panic! At the Disco shirt, and blue jeans.

You and Bucky were walking down the street. To where, you didn't know.

"Where are we going?"

"To a bar. What I'm gonna tell you requires you to have a slight buzz so you don't destroy the place."

"Ahhh I see. Its that important." I nod.

He looks up at you. "It is that important."

As we entered the bar he asked the woman behind the counter for the strongest drink they have, and three of them.

"Is it that bad?" I asked.

He nodded. And accepted the drinks and walked us to a secluded table.

"Sit. You want to know this."

I sat down and ruffled my hair while downing one of the drinks. Making a sour face you asked him to continue.

He pushed another one. "One more."

So you downed that one too.


He nodded. "So Steve probably still doesn't want you to know this, but I felt you deserve to know. Because its your ability."


He sighed. "You know your mom was a special woman. She had powers per say. She could manipulate... Well... She could manipulate time. And she called herself a time traveler. Because she was. I met her in 1939, to find out she was still alive in the 90's. But I heard she passed after making you. And with highly observing you, we have come to the conclusion you can do it too."

You downed the last drink. "Why would you keep this from me?"

"We wanted to be 100% positive. And we are. So I want to try to help you use it. I figure that you're ready. And also I can tell your upset by this."

You looked at him. "What?"

"Her eyes changed color with her emotions. She couldn't change that, and right now your eyes are like magenta. Which is upset. Purple is anxious, red is anger, blue is sad, orange is depressed, yellow is confused. And your normal eye color, which is (your eye color),  when you're happy."

So much to process. You sighed. "Really? I want to learn how."

As I say this a guy walks over and sits down.

"Hey girl, this your boyfriend?"

I scoffed. I may be drunk, but I'm not stupid. "No. He's my Uncle. And we were talking. So back the fuck up into a hole big enough to fit your big ass ego, and don't come out. Ever again. So buh bye." you turned your head back to Bucky.

The man took a step back and then sat down beside us. "I'm sure you don't mean that sugar." he put his hand on my knee.

"Dude back off!" you pushed him away. You could tell Bucky was getting upset.

He put his hand on your thigh turning your seat towards him. "Don't say that."

Bucky beat my to the punch. Literally. He punched the man in the nose. Then put a gun to his head. Leaned in and whispered, "Leave. Her. Alone."

The man scrambled up and ran out.

"We should leave." I agreed with him.

As we're walking down the street I was humming.

"What are you saying?" he looked confused.

"I don't think you wanna know." you chuckled.

"Just tell me (y/n)."

"Well you know how you almost shot that guy?"

He laughed. "The douchbag? Yeah."

You nodded. "Well, I was just humming and I came to this. 'He's beauty, He's grace, He'll shoot you in the face. It's Bucky!'"

He stopped for a minute. And laughed. "Really (y/n)? You're serious?" he couldn't stop laughing as we entered the tower.

Steve ran up to Bucky. "Why did you do that?!"

"Do what?"

He was super pissed. "You told her!"

Tony walked in. "What the hell is this?"

"Family matters. Go away Stark." Steve snapped.

"You need to relax Steve." you walked over and put a hand on his chest as he neared Stark.

He looked at you. "You weren't supposed to find out."

He grabs Bucky's arm and dragged him out of the room.

You were getting mad. "Steve! I deserved to know this. Its not up to you!"

He stops. He looks up at you. "I was trying to keep you safe. I don't want you to get hurt like your mother." he starts breaking down. Tony walks out, because even he knows when to not get involved.

You rush over and hug him. Bucky joins in. "We should tell her the rest Steve."

He nods and takes us to his room. We surround him on his bed listening. Around an hour or two later you start piecing together the stories.

Your mother had traveled back and forth between now and the 1940's. She had become friends with Steve and Bucky. But one day, during her pregnancy, she encountered Red Skull. Who was in disguise. (at this time Bucky and Steve know about her time jumps.) But so did Hydra. He tried recruiting her, but she refused, staying loyal to her friends and country. But Red Skull would not accept defeat. So he tried recruiting her once more, but this time when she refused, he stabbed her out of a fit of rage. During which, she was giving birth to you. She used what was left of her powers to jump back and give birth. Once labor was over she spent the days on life support. She didn't make it since the stab wound had punctured an artery in her heart. Where she was stabbed.

You inhale sharply wiping tears off your face. "She died fighting for this." you wave your hands gesturing to everything.

They both nodded. Steve crying, while Bucky held it in.

"The named S.H.I.E.L.D. partially after her. The acronym has been changed throughout the years, right now its Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division. The 'D' used to stand for Daniella. Because she helped Stark, create me, and the shield, and the organization itself. Somewhere throughout the years the felt her name unneeded and discarded it. But she was very important."

You keep wiping away tears. "She was so brave. And I never got to meet her."

Steve rubbed your back. "If we can get your powers working correctly soon. We will."

You smiled through your tears. "Okay."

Thanks for reading this chapter! I will definitely take suggestions! Leave them in the comments. And I will take each one seriously. Thanks again! Andhaveagoodon-KC

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