To Asgard! (at least in a few days)

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You had clothes strewn over your bed while Abbie told you what to trash.

"God I'll pay you to stop this torture." you say to her.

"Nope. You must now, or you will never learn!" she dumps a few articles in the trash.

You had already packed for Asgard, but Abbie was not in the least bit appealed that you would be taking her new boyfriend away from her.

It was two days before you left, and you had convinced Abbie to sleep in your room.

You had been staying in Loki's. You had been experiencing a flare in your PTSD nightmares. He would wake up with you and comfort you. They all revolve around the New York battle and Ultron.

You would wake up sweating, crying, and even thrashing.

It was terrible. You wished you didn't, but it could not and would not stop.

It was getting late and you trudged into Loki's room, and noticed him standing at his closet.

"Change of plans, we will be departing tomorrow. I do apologize for the misinformation."

You lay down. "Its alright."

He sets his bag down and sits next to you.

"I love you." He kisses you and leans back.

You fall asleep soon after.

~~~~~~The next morning~~~~~~
You was up and Loki's still asleep. You don't wake him and go make coffee.

You noticed he had very very messed up hair as he walks in and takes your cup out of your hands, mid sip, nonetheless.

You gasp at him.

He smiles. "I do apologize, but by the looks of it, you are quite awake."

You roll your eyes and kiss his cheek and go back to his room. Thor picked you up and set you back into the kitchen. "Found her." he smiles.

"Thank you Thor, I was not aware I was lost." you purse your lips as he chuckles heartily.

"He needed you."

He corrects Thor. "I needed now I don't."

"You needed my coffee didn't you?" he shrugged.

Once we were ready we made our way to the roof.

"Heimdall, open the Bifrost!" shouted Thor.

We were engulfed by a blue light and I gripped Loki's hand tighter.

He smiles over at me and mouthed, 'You'll be fine.'

You look around at your new surrounding. It was a giant metal building. One man, who held a huge sword, stood there unmoving.

"Hello Thor, Loki, and Lady (y/n)."

You were confused, but then remember how Thor described him. Seer of all nine realms.

You smiled. "Hi. Its nice to meet you."

"The pleasure is mine." he smiled for a moment then went back to his stern look. "Odin awaits you three."

Thor nodded and we followed suit.

You gasped as you entered the castle. "This is terrific."

Loki nodded and held your hand tightly because he said he didn't want to lose you in these hallways. It was a labyrinth.

You walked into must have been the throne room. Odin and Frigga at there, all fancy like and pretty.

You walked in behind Loki in his armor. Thor had worn his too. You hide behind Loki. Thor explained this morning how they didn't know you were coming.

Loki Laufeyson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now