Halloween Time

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It is two days before Halloween and you still don't have a costume. You always have coolest, but this time, you had 0 ideas, and almost 0 time.

You keep scrolling on Pinterest and then you find it.

Exactly what you needed.
'Talk to a friend. Get ideas from them.'

You rush into Loki's room where he sat on his bed reading a book. Ignite Me. A great book, but now is not the time.

You sit down on his bed as he looks up at you. "Are you alright?"

You nod. "I need your help."

He laughs. "You must be quite desperate to come to me for help."

You raise your eyebrow but let it go. "Do you have a costume for Halloween?"

"That holiday based on All Hallows Eve? No."

You look at him. "You need too. Because you would look great. In anything."

He smiles. "Fine. What do you propose I do?"

You shrug. "I originally came here for your help towards my costume..."

He closes his book. "I see."

He stands up and makes his way to his closet. "I may have something that you may like, but I would not know, for you do not have specific tastes in clothing. Likewise for me." he's digging through some clothing.

You smile and rub out the wrinkles on his sheets.

He sets something down beside you, and as you look at it you smile.

"Are you sure?"

"Indeed." he says.

You examine his war armor. Its so pretty in your opinion.

"Didn't you say you hated wearing it? That its hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable?"

"It is. But I personally think its an honor to wear it. It was tailored by Frigga." he smiled at her name. His adoptee mother. "But if you prefer something else, I think I can find something." he moves his hands toward it.

You snatch it back. "No. I will definitely wear it."

He raises an eyebrow, "Is it because you have nothing else?"

"Even if I did, I'd choose this. Every time. Because its important to you, then its important to me."

He smiles. A true sign of happiness.

As you scoop up the armor you go to the door. "I need to get a shower before I try it on. I was training and I'm really sweaty."

"You were on my sheets."

"I was. And i regret nothing. Not even one little thi-" he puts his horns on your head. You smile.

"There. Now its all coming together quite nicely if I do say so myself."

You kiss his cheek and go back to your room. Abbie's things were still there, but she's decided to sleep on the couch.

You dump the stuff on your bed and take a quick shower.

You come out in your spaghetti strap and basketball shorts.

"How does this even work?" you whisper to yourself. "I don't want to bother him again."

You walk back down there anyways. You open the door and he looks up. "Trouble I presume?"

You look guilty. "I don't understand it." you pout. "There are so many straps and buttons and its confusing."

Loki Laufeyson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now