Being left in the dark...

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You woke up during the surgery, at least that's what you could comprehend.

You started thrashing, unaware that your body has been cut open.

"Stop!" is all you hear, but you still couldn't do it.

And as soon as it happened, it was gone.

You saw black. A black nothingness.

You start to just relive memories.

And you started seeing a pattern. In every one, someone had done you wrong. All your exes, all the villains you fought on a personal level, Red Skull. All of them.

Then it hit you.

How can I be a good queen if I've never been surrounded by good?

No matter how much thought you put into it, it was always bad, bad, bad.

You also made the statement, the Other said you weren't queen until 18, so you used to be a princess.

And it all came back.

You were just as evil, and bad, as everyone you've defeated.

You woke up in a snap.

No one was there, and you were kind of glad. You hurt, but it was okay.

"An evil queen," you paused breathing heavily. And this needed to be said. "Is just another princess who wasn't saved." you started crying, so thankful no one was there.

She sat up, even though it hurt like hell, as people started walking in.

Clint was the first to break the tension, in a intrude way. "Were you crying?"

"Okay, I just woke up in pain. So yes."

He nodded.

Loki ran up like he was going to hug you, but then he looked at your body, up and down. Which made you do the same.

Your neck to waist had a thick bandage layer over it. No clothes, just bandages.

You felt less of yourself. Weak, powerless, a card board cut out of yourself.

You felt so... Empty.

You look at Loki, Tom, Tony, then Steve. Clint and everyone else had to leave because of flight issues.

Steve was trying not to cry, you were his little girl.

Tony had to leave the room, he was gonna bust.

Tom and Loki were crying, and it wasn't stopping.

"Guys relax. I am not dead."

They gained a little composure you could say.

"You could have died though." Steve was trying so hard.

You shake your head.

~A few hours later~

You were discharged, it had been two days in the hospital, so they let you go.

You were in a car, Steve driving, Tony passenger, Tom, you in middle, then Loki.

It was hard to maneuver with the bandages under your shirt. And it itched, and it hurt, and it was plain terrible.

Tom noticed your struggle and tried to help, but it still sucked.

Loki unbuckled you and Later your head in his lap while Tom had bent your knees and held them.

"Guys I'm 20 not 2."

Loki Laufeyson x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now