Chapter 5

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Jacob's POV

  "So you really do wanna get to know me, don't you?" Giselle asks me.

  "Yeah I really do," I say while smiling. I like how every time I smile or do anything really, she blushes.

  "So what do you wanna know? Ask away."

  "What's your last name?"


  "I was wondering, who's older?"

  "You are. By 9 months I think."

  "When's your birthday?"

  "July 31st. But not 2002, I was born 2003 which is why you're older."

  "Ohhh." I also noticed I was way taller than her. "How tall are you?"

  "5'2, I haven't grown since like last February. You're about 5'6, right? Sorry if I sound like a stalker, but it's easy to find this stuff out."

  "It's ok, I've revealed that stuff so it makes sense that you know. And yeah I'm 5'6. I noticed that you're a bit shorter than me."

  "A bit? You're a lot taller than me." She starts laughing. Oh my god her laugh is so adorable. Wait, do I already like her? I just met her yesterday. "Hello? Earth to Jacob? We're almost there," she tells me. I didn't realize I was just staring at her.

  "Oh, sorry. I was just thinking."


  "How you're going to introduce me to your parents, they're home, right?" I say instead of the truth.

  "Oh yeah. My mom's reaction when I told her I was going to Starbucks with you was... there's no words for it. But I think she'll like you, if you wanna get to know me then we'll be spending a lot more time together, right?"

  "Definitely." We just walk in silence for about a minute, but not the awkward silence, a comfortable silence. We get to her house.

Giselle's POV

  I cannot believe my life right now. Jacob Sartorius is coming over to my house. I told him my mom would like him, which I bet she would, but how do I introduce him? Just say, "Oh hey, this is Jacob Sartorius the guy that's famous and just decided to go on a date with me." Not that simple. I'm also surprised I haven't gotten any texts, I'm not antisocial or anything but I'm not extremely social. Everyone's probably just having a lazy day today. I get my keys out of my purse and open the door.

  "I'm home! And I'm with a special guest," I yell to my mom smirking at Jacob. He smiles back.

  "Hi sweetie," my mom starts off saying to me, "Is this the Jacob I've been hearing so much about?"

  "Mom!" I whisper, giving her a look.

  "Hi Mrs. Gomez," Jacob greets my mom with a smile.

  "Well we're just gonna head up to my room, ok?" I tell my mom.

  "Ok, I gotta run some errands so I'll be back in about an hour," she says.

  "K bye, love you!" I say as she's walking out.

  "It was nice meeting you, Jacob!" she says.

  "You too," he replies as she closes the door.

  "Anyways, let's do a house tour!" I say mimicking excitement.

  "Ok, where to first?"

  "My favorite place after my room, the kitchen."

  "Yum," he says licking his lips. Oh my god I can't believe someone could be so gorgeous. "Thanks," he says while laughing. Oh my god, did I say that aloud? Shit.

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