Chapter 8

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Jacob's POV

It's kind of awkward in the car, mainly because Giselle's mom is with us.

"So Jacob, what made you decide to ask my
daughter out?" her mom asks. I blush right away.

"Mom!" Giselle whisper-yells to her mom.

"Uh, we're not dating," I tell her.

"Oh, sorry! I just assumed since you two have been spending so much time together," her mom says. Giselle and I just awkwardly laugh. Her mom asks a few more questions, basic stuff like what grade am I in, how old I am, ect.

We eventually get to my house. "Well this is my house," I tell Giselle and her mom.

Giselle's POV

It's weird how I kind of already have an idea of what his house looks like. I'm not a stalker, I just see it in his's, vines, and snapchats. He unlocks the door and we walk in, and his house is actually really nice. But it's not a huge house like most people think it would be, it's average sized. Everyone assumes he's rich and has everything and gets everything he wants. I see his mom, as she's walking up to us.

  "So is this the famous Giselle I've been hearing so much about?" she asks Jacob. At this moment is when he turns into a tomato.

  "Mom!" he whispers to his mom.

"Hi Mrs. Sartorius, I'm Giselle and this is my mom, Rosa Gomez," I say to Jacob's mom, introducing my mom and I. She smiles and starts talking to my mom while Jacob and I just stand there.

"Well, while they're talking and making dinner, do you wanna hang out in my room?" Jacob asks me.

"Sure," I tell him. We walk up to his room, funny how I know exactly what it looks like. I get a text, from Bexly? She seemed salty this morning, so this might not be great.

Bex 😛: Hey I'm sorry for how I was acting this morning, I guess I was kind of jealous about all the stuff going on with you and Jacob. Can you ft (FaceTime)?

  Should I FaceTime her? I should probably ask Jacob first. "Hey, one of my friends wants to FaceTime, would you be ok if I put headphones in or go do a different room? And could you like not show up during the call? I'm pretty sure she's apologizing or something because she was pretty jealous this morning when my friend was talking about you and me," I say realizing I shouldn't have said that. I just told him that I talk about him with my friends at school. Cue the blush.

  "Um sure, you can use my headphones since you didn't bring yours. Maybe you can tell your friends about that tomorrow," Jacob tells me smiling.

  "Oh shut up you're so stuck-up. Not all my conversations are about you." We go on like that jokingly until he finally hands me the headphones. I text Bexly back and tell her to call me on FaceTime. My phone rings and I answer it.

  "Hey!" I say to Bexly. Jacob's across the room from me and I'm facing him so Bexly can't see him. But it doesn't help that I'm in his room, as she also knows what his room looks like, I hope she doesn't notice.

  "Hey, I'm sorry for this morning. I just let jealousy take over and I got salty. Wait a second, that doesn't look like your room."

  "Um it's not my room, it's a different room, it's like a guest room," I say as Jacob can see me struggling. He mouths 'go to the bathroom' which wouldn't help at all because he makes a bunch of's and vines in that hallway. I put her on mute for a second and tell him, "She most likely knows what your damn hallway looks like! I can't move at all, ugh why is this so complicated." Jacob grabs my phone, without showing himself in the camera, ends the call, and hugs me.

"It's ok, calm down, are you sure this just about not being able to move, or is it something else?" I like how Jacob easily notices things and says it in like a, comforting way.

"It's all of this, having to keep a secret about you and me hanging out, all of your supporters left in the dark, not being able to tell my friends anything because I'm not sure if I can trust them, it's just all so, I don't even know."

"I'm sorry, I brought you into this. I can't tell my supporters anything else or they'll start assuming things. And about the thing with not telling your friends, try starting with telling your closest most best friend. I don't really care if your friends know, hell if the whole world knows. But, I don't want you getting hate." He's so supportive, and gentle. He doesn't tell me to just deal with it like most people would.

We spend 10 more minutes in his room just talking until the food's ready and then we go downstairs and eat. The food is really good. It was a nice dinner, Jacob and his mom, my mom and I. Sadly, it had to end at some point. Jacob and his mom walked us to an uber, which Jacob paid for. I feel bad, he pays for a lot of ubers to be around me. I mentioned that to him earlier but he said it's fine.

"Bye... I'll see you some other time," Jacob says to me as he closes the car door. I wave goodbye. And then my mom and I are on our way home.

This chapter was a lot shorter than my recent ones :(: but oh 🐋

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