Chapter 18

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Zach's POV ;)

  "What the hell are you doing here and what do you want?!" Giselle yelled at me. Jacob's right next to her, of course he's here. But I already knew that, Dallas has been texting me the entire time he was here. So I picked the perfect moment to knock. But, I thought she'd come up alone.

  "I wanted to talk. Alone," I said glaring at Jacob. Giselle whispered something in his ear and he walked away. Giselle walked out and closed the door.

  "Ok fine. What do you wanna talk about?" she said with an attitude. Was she still that mad at me?

  "I'm sorry, I really am," I apologize. She rolls her eyes.

  "Please. Sorry won't cut it. What are you sorry for? Why'd you do that? You don't trust me? You don't believe I want you more than anyone else? You don't know how much it hurt me? You don't understand how much I love you?" she said, and then she started sniffling. She sat down on the ground leaning on the door. I sit down across from her.

  "I'm sorry for everything. I'm sorry for not trusting you. I'm sorry for having jealousy issues. I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for doubting your love. I'm sorry for not showing you how much I love you. I love you more than anything, there's not even words to describe it. It hurts me to see you like this, to see you sad. Especially if it's my fault. I don't expect you to forgive me right away, I understand why. If you want, I will leave you alone forever. But if you think you can forgive me, I'll give you space until you decide to," I tell her.

Giselle's POV

  Wow. I never thought Zach was capable of getting that much into his feelings and saying something like that.

  "I think I can forgive you... just not yet," I tell him. I'm waiting for Brooklyn to get here, what's taking her so long?! If you're wondering how would I tell her without her knowing he's here, I told Jacob to go back down and tell her. Wait, I hear footsteps. It's probably her, thank god!

  "So what do you think you're doing here?" Brooklyn asks Zach.

"I'm trying to apologize," Zach said looking down. Brooklyn walks out, and starts pushing Zach to the sidewalk, not roughly though.

"Yeah well at least give her some space. Leave her alone until next Monday. See ya!" Brooklyn says pushing me inside and slamming the door. "Well that's over with. Let's continue with the movie," she tells me.

  We get back downstairs and I go back to sitting next to Jacob, he puts his arm back around me and I guess you could say we were cuddling. We continue watching the movie, Brooklyn and I screaming every 5 minutes. When it finally ended, I was basically completely under the blanket grabbing onto Jacob really tightly. My grip on him relaxed once the credits rolled onto the screen.

"So that was... interesting. What now? I'm hungry do y'all wanna get something to eat?" I asked while getting up to stretch.

"Urban BBQ?" Dallas suggested. (btw that's a hamburger place that I love that's close to my house).

  "Sure, why not? We can walk there right?" Brooklyn asks.

  "Yeah, it's a 12 minute walk. I'm gonna change into something else, I'll be back in less than 20 minutes," I told everyone. I told Brooklyn to come with me too, I need help choosing a good outfit.

  We finally find really cute outfits for both of us, Brooklyn decided she wanted to borrow some of my clothes. I'm wearing gray sweatpants, a black crop top (don't worry I'm not type of girl who wears them everyday, i don't wear them that often), and a white and black adidas sweater on top. To finish it off, my adidas shoes too (second picture). Brooklyn's wearing a gray crop top, black leggings with a flannel tied on her waist, with timberlands (first picture). We looked pretty cute. Once we were done, we walked downstairs.

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