Chapter 6

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Giselle's POV

When Jacob got home, he texted me.

  Jacob 😋💕: I just got home.

  Me: gr8 :)

  Jacob 😋💕: Brb, gotta do my daily Instagram post 😊 We should hang out again soon though, as just friends obviously because of my supporters

Oh. We're "just friends". I mean, I don't expect anything else. We just started to get to know each other. I'm not even sure if I have legit feelings for him, do I? I wanna get to know him more before I know. It could just be that I love him as a fan.

  Jacob 😋💕: You still there?

  Me: yeah, sorry. just thinking. and yeah we should

  Jacob 😋💕: Ok, brb I'll go post right now.

jacobsartorius just posted a photo

I go check what he posted. It's a picture I took of him at magcon. The caption is, "Pic creds to a supporter during the meet and greet 😊❤️"

  Me:  I liked it 😂

  Jacob 😋💕: Thanks 😂 So when do you wanna hang out again?

  Me: idk, I can't during the week bc of school aka jail 🙄

  Jacob 😋💕: Oh yeah, I forgot you go to public school 😂😂

  Me: yeah & it sucks ass 😩 I gtg finish homework

  Jacob 😋💕: Ok, bye 😊

  Me: byee

I know I said I had to do homework, but first I need to see if Bexly has texted Jacob too.

  Me: heyy

Two minutes pass and she answers.

  Bex 😛: Hey, what's up?

  Me: gonna do homework, hby?

  Bex 😛: Scrolling through Instagram, oh looks like Jacob posted something, one sec I'm gonna go look at it.

  Bex 😛: He's so cute. Didn't you take that pic 🤔

  Me: yeah i did. and remember how we gave him our numbers in the letters? well he actually texted me, did he text you too?

  Bex 😛: He posted a picture you took! Lucky! And yeah like 4 hours after the show. I told him I live like 40 minutes away from him and he was just like "Oh that's really cool 😊💕"

  Me: oh, he texted me when I got home & then I told him I like pretty close to him & he suggested we hang out at Starbucks or something & then we planned that and yeah.

  Bex 😛: Omg you're so lucky! He definitely likes you if he was the one to ask to hang out.

  Me: he doesn't like me . well I really have to go do my French homework 😂 byee

  Bex 😛: Think what you want, bye 👋🏼

There's no way Jacob likes me. First of all, we just met, second, I'm just some other fan out of millions, third, why would he even like me? Ok, now I'm actually gonna do my French homework. I spend 2 hours doing my homework, so now it's 6:38.

  I'm so bored, I need something to do. I decide to go on my Jacob fan account on Instagram. I look at my account, when I made it I never imagined actually meeting him. Now I have. I always dreamed of meeting him and becoming his girlfriend like right away. But now I'm questioning my 'dream' of being Jacob Sartorius's girlfriend. I kind of only want to be friends for now, at least. My recent picture on there was my meet & greet picture with Jacob. I captioned it, "vv happy I finally met him , he's so sweet 😊💙".  The comments I have on there were just "omg you're so lucky" and stuff. Then there's a gain in followers too.

  I text some of my internet friends, sometimes they're better than real friends.

Not such a long chapter 🙃 this is kinda like a filler chapter bc I have no idea what to write .

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