Chapter 17

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Giselle's POV

Dallas is already here, he and Brooklyn are being goals while I'm here like a loner. Technically, I'm single now. When I told Allison and Katherine yesterday that I'm dating Zach, I'm actually not. Well, I'm bored and the two lovers are cuddling with a blanket just in their phones and I'm on the other side of the bed, laying down sideways (it's a full sized bed). So I'll just text Allison and Katherine while I wait for Jacob.

Me: hey dudes. i'm bored & my fren is here but so is her boyfriend & im waiting for someone to get here

ali ❣️🐋: u waiting for the asshole?

Me: no 🙄 we broke up . long story

ali ❣️🐋: i knew he wouldn't change . who was it this time?

Me: he didn't cheat. he got jealousy problems

ali ❣️🐋: ohhh bc of jacob? i mean who wouldn't be jealous of the jacob sartorius

kath 💙😛: so if asshole's not coming over then who is?

ali ❣️🐋: ^

Me: um well ... a fren


kath 💙😛: ^ ME TOO!!!!!

Me: ok yeah it's jacob. idk if i should ft u guys w him though.. might make him uncomfortable. i'll ask when he gets here though.

Me: speaking of.. he just texted me that he's a few minutes away , gtg byee

ali ❣️🐋: REMEMBER TO ASK!! bye 💓

kath 💙😛: ^!

I'm not sure if I should tell Jacob about FaceTiming them. Like would it bother him? Not being able to avoid fans, even when he's hanging out with friends. But they're like my best friends. It's the least I could do since they're always there for me.

I see a car pull up to the drive way, and Jacob comes out! I recognize that car, his mom brought him. Now I feel bad since she had to drive him all the way here just to hang out with me. But either way, I open the door and run into Jacob's open arms.

"JACOB! You're finally here," I said laughing, "but why did your mom bring you, I feel bad that she has to drive back now."

"Don't worry. She came to see your mom too, they made plans once I asked my mom if I could come over. Then your mom said that two other moms were here, Brooklyn's and her boyfriend's, so they're all gonna hang out or something. I'm not even sure why, I guess mom's like to hang out too," Jacob explained. Weird, I didn't even know Dallas' mom stayed. But shit, I think Dallas highkey hates Jacob. We didn't tell him that he was coming over. Oh lordy. We walk upstairs to where Brooklyn and Dallas are still cuddling. Ugh goals.

I clear my throat and say, "Hey love birds, Jacob's here," they both turn towards the door where Jacob and I were standing, "So um Dallas this is Jacob Sartorius. Jacob, this is Dallas, Brooklyn's boyfriend." I could see in his eyes that he wasn't happy that Jacob's here. I guess you could say Zach and Dallas are friends, they were really close in 6th grade but kind of faded but they still talk sometimes.

"So you're Jacob Saggytits, the one trying to steal Giselle from Zach," Dallas said.

"Dallas please-" I start saying until he interrupts me and grabs Jacob's shirt. Brooklyn and I just back up a little.

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