Chapter 8

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As soon as we entered the room I heard soft music playing from one of the cubicles and I was ninety percent sure that it was Jake playing his guitar. I soon became hundred percent sure that was Jake when I heard his voice.

"Hey Callie," he said and then his eyes landed on Ashton. Jake gave me a questioning look. Before I could say anything Ashton offered. "Hey man, I'm Ashton. I'm new at the school. Call me Ash and I'll break your neck."

"I'll be careful to not call you that. Jake." He offered Ashton his hand and they shook it in a very manly way.

"So Ashton what do you play?" I asked curious.

"I used to play the guitar but I haven't done so in months." He answered.

"It's ok man, just grab one and start strumming. You never really forget playing once you learn." Jake said. I was glad that Jake was talking. From what I'd gathered in the past few weeks that I've been here was that Jake was extremely self- conscious and introvert. He was incredibly talented but he just didn't show it. My reverie was broken when I heard the sound of guitar.

Ashton was playing and the sound was beautiful. It wasn't long before I recognized the song. He was playing 'Save a Heart' by Mayday Parade. One of my absolute favorites. It wasn't long before I started singing. Ashton looked startled at once and I almost thought that he'd stop playing but he never did and I sang till the last note. "I didn't know that you could sing," Ashton said after putting his guitar down.

"Hey, come on, you aren't the only one who can sprout out a surprise." I smiled.

He smiled back before saying, "I have to go and get my classes sorted out." He glanced at his wrist as if checking the time but strangely he wasn't wearing a wrist watch. He frowned. My best guess was he must have forgotten wearing it today. Before we could say anything he hurried out of the room.

I decided to give my throat some rest and watched Jake paly instead. He was amazing at it. He effortlessly strummed the guitar and played few of my favorites upon my request. When the bell rang Jake took his time wrapping up and I appreciated it. At least the hallways would cleat out by the time we'd be out.

"Umm Callie..."Jake said nervously pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers.


"Would you...ummm...go out with me this Saturday." Before I could say anything he added, "as friends of course, you know you are new in the town and I could just show you a good place." He turned pink.

"Yeah. That'd be great." I was actually going to tell him not to be so nervous about but decided against it seeing that it'd only embarrass him more.

"Umm...I gotta go and pick up some stuff from the supermarket. Do you think you'd be alright?" Jake asked.

"Of course, go ahead." I assured him.

Jake scampered off and I walked out of the music room and straight into Alex.

"Whoa, didn't expect you to be here." I said.

"Well I had to visit the principal's office." She deadpanned.

"What happened?"

"That bitch Lexi was annoying me and I shoved her and apparently miss-goody-two-shoes' nail broke. And somehow that was physical violence." She was clearly annoyed with the situation.

"Look, stop spoiling your mood over her. Let's do something fun." I said.

"What can we do?" She asked.

"See it might seem like a task to you but actually I haven't set up my room yet and setting it up involves painting the wall. up for it?" I raised my brows at her.

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