2: Damn Klay

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"Babe I need to go-" I sighed speaking to my gf Hannah.

"Look at you avoiding the situation again, whatever,"

"It's not even like that-" Before I could finish she hung up.

I shook my head shoving my phone into my duffle bag.

"Aye bro coach wants to see you," Green said walking into the locker room.

I nodded heading down the hall to his office. "Yo coach what's-" I stopped myself seeing that he was talking to a lady. "My fault.."

The girl turned looking up at me then got up from the seat. She was cute as fuck, after examining her face I look her up and down, mainly staring at her fat butt. I guess I must of been staring too long cause I heard her say excuse me.

"Huh? Oh I'm sorry.. Eh.. Ugh.., I..." I stuttered.

"[y/n] this is Klay, Klay this is [y/n]," Coach chuckled introducing us.

She smiled waving a little then excused herself and left the room. I don't know why I stuttered so much, but something about her had me hooked. Coach stared at me before clearing his throat and chuckling.

"Haven't seen anyone stutter this bad in years," he chuckled.

"That's your girl Coach? Goddamn,"

"No Klay, you know Im married," Steve Kerr laughed at Klay's daze.

"Ehh yeah right," I said still looking mesmerized.

"Anyways I just wanted to tell you that after tomorrow's game a few guys want to meet you,"

"Oh ard cool," Klay nodded.

Kerr laughed again, "Practice starts in five." Coach yelled out while Klay walked away.


Damn my office big af I thought looking around. My office was within the training room, and placed across the locker room. It had a large window, which allowed me to see who was going in and out the hallway.

After placing my bag down, I grabbed my notepad and pen then headed to the gym in which the guys practiced. I watched a little as they warmed up, then greeted the coaching staff.

Kerr blew his whistle and told the guys to gather up.

"What's up Coach?" Curry and the team asked confused.

"Alright so you guys know Drew had to leave our staff, but we have a new member," Kerr smiled extending his hand towards me. "[y/n] I'm sure you know these suckers, guys this is [y/n] our new physics therapist & athletic train-"

"Coach I think I'm hurt!!" Green yelled out holding his knee.

"Yeah yeah, she doesn't want y'all," Kerr and the rest of the staff laughed. "And don't be dogs, we don't want her leaving us."

"What times are you available....to take care of us," Barnes smirked.

I chuckled smiling at the guys, "Every practice and games, both home and away."

"Alright, get back to practice," Kerr yelled making the guys run back to the court.

I sat on the bench reading over each players previous injuries and watched as they ran a plays and did conditioning.

"Steph & Klay you gonna make any of your shots?" Coach yelled.

Soon as he yelled out Steph began cashing out but Klay on the other hand came up short with his shots which frustrated him.


"Nigga you went 1 for 10," Livingston laughed.

"Man shut up," Klay yelled frustrated.

Steph and Green pulled him aside, concerned about Klay within the past month. "Yo what's up with you?"

"Man I don't know," Klay shook his head. "Hannah's trippin, she argues with me all the time.. And our new trainer..."

"You know [y/n]??"

"No but I met her when I talked to coach and something about her is throwing me off. She had me stuttering," Klay sighed shaking his head.

"You know what that means??" Curry laughed.

"Yeah," Green smirked. "I think Klay got a little crush on [y/n].."

"I don't," Klay said walking to the parking lot.

"Yeah you do... Shittt I do, that girl is FINEE," Green laughed.

"Aye there she go!!" Curry tapped Klay smirking.

"Okay an-" Klay began.


"Hey [y/n]!"

I looked back to see Curry, Green and Thompson approaching me.

I smiled waving back at them, "What's up guys?"

"Nothing we just wanted to formally introduce ourselves.. I'm Steph," he said sticking out his hand, which I shook.

"Draymond," he waved smiling, i waved back.

I turned to Klay expecting him to say something since we already met.

Steph elbowed Klay, "Ohh umm eh I'm K-k-kla-"

"Damn bro," Steph laughed. "This is Klay, he's kinda shy..."

"I know we met earlier," I laughed shaking his hand.


Dang you are so freaking fine. I got so nervous when I was around you. The last time a girl had me stuttering was in High School when I started dating my first girlfriend. I was so busy looking at you that I forgot my name. Honestly Steph came through even though he set me up.

"Well I guess I'll see y'all at practice tomorrow?" You flashed your pearly whites looking up at us.

"Of course," Dray and Steph smiled waving at her as you walked away. "Nice meeting you."

I watched as you walked away and got into your all black jeep.

"Might as well take a picture while you're at it," they laughed smacking my shoulder.

I sighed following behind them unlocking my white Mercedes. This girl has me hooked and I don't even know her.

Tumblr: xgoldenvibesx.tumblr.com
Twitter: __ashhhh

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