6: Hurt

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"Come by before the game and I'll tape you up," I said to Igoudala on the way out the building.

I slipped on my sunglasses, waiting for the elevator opened.

"HOLD THE DOOR!" I heard someone yell out. I quickly pressed the Door Open button waiting for whoever to hop in.

"Thanks," he smiled looking down at me. I nodded, then went back to using my phone. "You new here?"

"Been here a month," I said nonchalantly. The guy on the other hand kept speaking to me, but I responded with one worded statements.

I walked out the elevator heading for my car, still on my phone.

"Hey! Wait up!"

I rolled my eyes, "I'm sorry but I don't want you."

"Damn I just wanted to say thank you for covering for me,"

I quickly turned to see Klay looking hurt. "Oh shit, sorry I thought you were someone else," I laughed.

"Oh okay,"

"I knew you were gonna get in trouble so I figured why not," I shrugged it off.

"I didn't know what I would've told coach, but thanks for coming through. What are you getting into?"

"Going to school, then my moms,"

"Cool," he said trailing off. I awkwardly chuckled then we both headed our separate ways..

And that's how most of our days were for the next few months. Occasional convos, very awkward. Why it was like this? I don't know. I guess I wasn't trying to get into NBA affairs and all their shenanigans.

* A Few Months Had Gone By *

Everything was regular. Basketball season had begun meaning more games back to back. Work was becoming stressful and being that I was the only trainer at the moment was very hectic. I even asked GSW staff to hire interns or assistance but they have not gotten back to me yet.

"[y/n] can i get taped," Green said hopping up on the table.

I nodded taking the wrapping tape out my emergency bag. I quickly taped his hand, then dismissed him even though he lingered around for a while.

I finished gathering all the necessary equipment then went out to the sideline behind the player bench. I watched as the guys warmed up and did the usual national anthem.

The game was going pretty good. The Warriors were up by a few which wasn't surprising to me at this point. I watched as Klay got the ball dribbling down the ball, pulling up and releasing a clean three.

I jotted down in my notepad noticing that he still had a slight ankle limp while he ran, but was quickly interrupted hearing my name yelled.

I looked up and quickly ran across the court to see Klay rolling on the floor holding his head. I pushed his teammates aside, kneeling down.

"Can you hear, see, anything?"

"Yeah" he said still holding his head. I helped him walk, taking him to the bench. I removed his hands from his ear, and his ear began leaking out blood. "Fuck."

"Calm down," I calmly said looking into his ear as it continued to bleed. After taking care of his ear, i asked him routine questions and he answered them well enough to get back in the game.

I watched him carefully and noticed his ear bleeding again. "He needs to come out," I told coach Kerr.

After calling a timeout I checked out Klay's ear again. Not knowing what the problem was I thought I should bring him to a more quiet environment.

On the walk back, i called his father from the emergency contact list to meet us in my office.

"What do you think it is?" Mr. Mychal Thompson asked.

"Honestly believe that it's a concussion, judging from where the contact was located and the symptoms he's experiencin-" Just then i saw Klay throw up, near the bedside. Thank god I had a trash there. "Yep it's a concussion, but I'm not cleared as a doctor so he'll have to see a specialist."

"Oh god," Mr. Thompson. "I was supposed to fly out but I gotta cancel ca-"

"Dad I'll be fine," Klay said laying back down.

"No my son is hurt I'm-"

"I'm fine forreal-" Klay began before throwing up again.

I gave him a glass of water and began rubbing his back as he continued throwing up.

"Nope I'm staying, I need to pick your mother. But I dont-"

"I can drive myself home,"

"No you can't," His dad frowned. He began thinking of a solution.

"[y/n] will bring me home" Klay mumbled.

My eyes widened as his dad stared at me. I didn't know what to say in fact I stopped rubbing Klay's back.

"Well you do know what you're doing, at least more than me. But if you don't-"

"No it's fine I'll take him home and make sure he's good," I somewhat smiled reassuringly.

His dad kept insisting that I didn't have to but honestly why not I had nothing to do honestly.
Besides why not catch up on some work and help him get better. How bad could it be?

Tumblr: xgoldenvibesx.tumblr.com
Twitter: __ashhhh

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