11: Baby Mama Drama

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"Mommy are we going to Daddy's game," Alex, Klay and I's two year old son asked as I got him dressed.

"Yep you're gonna see Daddy," I smiled picking him up and heading down the elevator and out my new condo.

I put him in the car seat and headed to the stadium. I walked into the usual back entrance for players and staff.

"Mommy look it's uncle Steph!" Alex squealed running over to Steph.

"Hey little man!" Steph smiled picking him up. "You came to see me and your dad play?"

"Mhmm," he cheesed high fiving Steph.

Steph smiled at me and gave me a hug, "I'll tell Klay y'all here,"

He handed Alex back to me telling him he'll see him later. Few minutes later Klay came out with his warmups looking fine as ever.

He smiled seeing his son and extended his arms out, "Hey kiddo," he said spinning his son around.

"Daddyyyy!" Alex squealed grinning down at his father.

"You coming over today?" Klay asked him, Alex nodded excitedly. He turned and looked at me, "You look nice."

"Thanks," I smiled.

"Lil sis!" I heard Draymond say coming out the locker room. He hugged me then played with Alex.

Meanwhile, I noticed Hannah and Klay talking. I rolled my eyes, bringing my attention back to Dray and my son.

"I don't understand why he left you for her," Draymond said shaking his head.

I shrugged, trying to not listen to the them. But of course, Hannah always felt the need to be extra whenever I'm around.


"Oh my god! Hi Alex," Hannah smiled taking my son from Dray's arms. "You remember me?"

"No," Alex said trying to get out her grasp. I saw you smirk and Dray laugh a little at Alex's reaction.

"I'm your mommy Hanna-"

"Heck no!" You yelled grabbing Alex from her arms. "Don't fucking fill my sons head with that bullshit. Raggedy ass bitch,"

"Relax-" Dray began holding you back.

"No don't tell me relax. This bitch has me all types of fucked up if she thinks she has any relation to my son. Klay might let that shit go but not I," you continued yelling causing some of my teammates to come out the locker room.

"I don't know who you callin a bitch but as far as I know I'm fucking your man, and your son gon be my step kid," Hannah said showing off the engagement ring I had gotten her.

"Oh bitch you really think I care bout you and Klay. I can give too fucks what you do with him," you laughed. I looked at you, kind of hurt. I honestly don't even know what to say.

"Clearly," Hannah said rolling her eyes.

"Keep dreaming bitch-"

"Blah blah blahh blahh," Hannah said cutting you off. "I don't give a fuck about you or your dusty son. Me and my child always going to be in Klay's life and we more important than your thirsty ass."

I looked at Hannah confused as she rubbed her stomach. This chick really pregnant. How???

You lunged from across the guys ready to fight Hannah. You had given Alex to Barnes, and dragged Hannah to the ground. Before you could do too much damage, Steph and I pulled you off of Hannah. I picked you up bringing you to the a nearby secluded area. You continued kicking and yelling stuff, till i sat you down.

"You gon let her talk about our son like that Klay," you asked pacing back in forth. "I should really go beat that bitch!"

"What she was kinda ru-"

"KINDA?! She disrespected me Klay.. I don't expect you to care about me, but your son. She disrespected your own blood and you're really going to let it slide?! You a cold bitch, you know that," You said pointing your fingers at me.

"Listen I-"

"I ain't listening to shit! I should kill that bitch, I don't want her near me or my son, cause that bitch will be found six feet deep, I swear to god, I better not see her in the stree-"

I pulled you closer to me, kissing your lips. You tried pushing me away like always , but eventually stopped trying and kissed me back.

"Are you done?" I asked pulling away from you. You nodded slowly opening your eyes. "Okay good."

"Why?" You asked looking deep into my eyes. "Why'd you go back to her after all the things she's done to you? Was I not good enough? Did I not bring you happiness? Was I not-"

"Nothing was wrong," I sighed. "I just.... I just fucked up, and I regret it everyday not being able to raise our son together."

You nodded not saying anything. You looked at me for a few seconds. You took a few deep breaths then walked out the room. At this point I don't even know if I'll ever see Alex again.

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