10: Baby Don't Go

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I unlocked his door, since he gave me the key to his house. I placed my purse down on the counter like always. I looked at the bottles of liquor and glasses all around the kitchen. The whole house looked like a mess, but ignored it and went on to play with Rocco for a little.

"Klay?" I called out waiting for a response but didn't get one. I knew he was home cause his car was parked in the driveway. I walked to every room in the house and nothing, so he must've been asleep. I finally walked to the bedroom which was pitch black and I could hear him snoring like always.

I crawled into bed with him wrapping my arm around his waist which felt skinnier than usual. I felt over his stomach and felt that it was slimmer than usual. I got up from the bed turning on the lamp on the nightside to see Klay in bed with another female.

"What the fuck?!" I yelled crossing my arms. Both sprung up from the bed, staring at me wide eyed.

"[y/n] let me explain," Klay began sliding out of bed.

"No, I think I understand what happened..... Lemme guess you got drunk and Hannah came over, and one thing led to another right?" I asked rhetorically shaking my head.


I couldn't even look at you. That's exactly what happened. I'd called Hannah over just to talk but one thing lead to another and she was laying beside me in bed. I didn't even mean to, I liked you not Hannah.

"How could you?" You said storming out my room.

I slipped on some shorts following behind you. I grabbed your arm pulling you back. I saw your eyes fill with tears that were soon going to fall down your cheeks.


"I feel so bad for hurting her feelings, I don't even know what to say to her," I explained to Steph & Dray the next day.

"Bro you fucked up, man..." Steph shook his head as we walked into the gym for practice.

"That girl been down for you dude, why would you do that," Draymond said.

"I knooowwww," I said dropping my head.

* A few weeks later *

You wiped my bloody arm without saying anything. You didn't even bother asking if it hurt or anything. You simply got rubbing alcohol and a cloth, rubbed it then put a band aid and went back to watching the game.

I sighed looking back at you then focusing on the game.


I mean there was really nothing to say to Klay at this point. I knew I shouldn't have gotten involved with these basketball players it made my job awkward as hell. And he just kept looking at me with hurt eyes. Like he really had me crying and shit, thinking he actually liked me, yet goes back to Hannah.

I rolled my eyes at the thought then went back to cheering for Steph and Draymond who had just made a beautiful play. At the end of the game, I packed my backpack and got the fuck out the gym, not wanting to speak to anyone.


After about two weeks I thought I had gotten over Klay but I was completely wrong. Klay seemed to always get injured {{a/n: Injuries cited in this story are real incidents, except one}} and this game it was no different.

At halftime I wiped his forehead, then went to look for a band aid.

"I'm sorry," Klay blurted out. I looked down at his face, then went back to treating his forehead. "I didn't mean to do it, it just happened. But I promise I love-"

"Stop," I said throwing away the used materials.

"But I'm trying to-"

"Don't," I said heading to the court so he wouldn't see the tears formed. I stopped to go to the bathroom, clutching my stomach and wiping my tears.

I locked the door behind me then took out the pregnancy test from my bag. I followed the instructions then waited a few minutes.

"Fuck," I yelled to my self running my hand through my hair. I placed the test in my backpack, then went to the court.

*The Following Day*

"Is there anything we can do to make you stay with us?" The coaching staff complained after offering me many things so I could stay.

I thought about telling them about Klay, but I didn't want to throw him under the bus. "No, you guys are great, I just feel like I need to venture out."

"Damn, well you'll always have a position with the Warriors," Steve Kerr smiled giving me a hug. I hugged him back as a few tears slipped out my eyes.

I quickly wiped them away as we walked to the practice gym. Steve blew his whistle for the guys to come in so he can make the announcement.


"After this week, [y/n] will be leaving us," Coach Kerr said looking sad.

Wow I basically made you quit. You haven't spoken to me or looked at me since that day. I purposefully asked you to tape my ankle several times so she could speak to me, but I guess it just made you dislike me more. I watched as Steph stepped up to hug you. You hugged him back, which lead to the rest of the team going up to hug you. You looked at me with hurt eyes, but I didn't want to make it awkward so I went to hug you.

You tried fighting back but eventually gave in. I hugged you tightly, then felt my shirt get wet from your tears. I looked at Coach who nodded for me to talk to you in the hallway.

"You're leaving cause of me," I said looking down at you.

"Klay...... I'm pregnant," you whispered after a moment of silence, looking up at me.


Twitter: __ashhhh

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