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"Why are we even together?" Hannah asked looking at me after the game. "You didn't even defend me against that raggedy hoe of yours."

I sighed, walking past her and heading towards my car. We had lost for the first time tjis season, and on top of that you refused to let me have my son for the weekend because of what happened. As of right now, I didn't want anything to do with Hannah.

"Don't fucking ignore me," she yelled making a scene like always.

"What exactly do you want me to say to you?" I turned looking at her mad, annoyed, irritated, everything.

" I want you to love me and defend me from her," she began crying.

"Cut the bullshit," I said rolling my eyes. "You're not going to disrespect my son and his mother and expect me to act like everything's okay.. And how the fuck are you even pregnant? Bitch the last time we fucked was like 3 months ago.. Go on with that shit."

I got into my car driving off and leaving her in the parking lot. At this point the engagement was off, she can keep the ring, i can careless. I just want to be with my child right now.


"Alex you'll see daddy soon," I sighed trying to calm him down. "Please stop crying.."

He shook his head and continued crying for his father. It was now midnight and he wouldn't go to sleep because he wasn't spending the night with Klay like I had promised.

"I want daddy," he whined in between sobs.

I felt so bad taking Alex away from Klay but I can't allow Hannah around my child. But seeing Alex cry and throw a tantrum for an hour made me feel like a terrible mom. No child should be taken away from their parents.

I sighed retrieving my iPhone dialing Klay's number, when I heard a knock on the door. I got up opening the door, to see Klay wiping his face. I hung up looking up at him.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean for any of this to happ-" he began.

"It's fine....Alex wouldn't go to sleep without seeing you anyways," I said changing the subject and closing the door behind him.

"Daddy!!" Alex cheesed running out his room and hugging Klay's legs.

"Hey buddy, I missed you," Klay smiled hard picking up his son and tossing him up.

Alex giggled, "Are we going to your house?"

"Not tonight, but soon okay,"

"But I wanna see wocco," he said mispronouncing the "r".

"Rocco is at Uncle Mychel's house," Klay laughed. "I'll bring him next time okay?"

Alex nodded taking Klay to his room so they could play with toys. Klay is honestly the best father a child could have and we honestly worked well with the co-parenting. I didn't ask him for money or make his life hard; I just asked that he spent time with his son, which he was willing to do whenever he wasn't working. The only problem was his fiancée Hannah.

About an hour after Klay had arrived, I got up from the couch to check on the boys. I opened the door to see them both asleep on Alex's bed. Alex looked like a mini Klay, except with different hair texture and nose outline. I grabbed a few pillows and blankets for them, so they'd be comfortable, then turned off the light shutting the door behind me.

*A month or so later*

"So you guys are together or no?" Daya asked flipping through a magazine.

"Yeah... No... I don't know," I mumbled brushing Alex's hair.

"Girll, you know you love him you better go back to him,"

"I do, but-"

"No buts," she said picking up Alex. "You've never cried about a man until you met Klay. So I need you to go in that room, and get dressed so you can go to this event with Klay..."

"But I didn't even rsvp-"

"Already handled it, Klay will be here soon, so hurry," She rushed.

"But Alex-"

"If I hear one more word," she frowned.

I sighed heading to the bathroom, showering then getting dressed.

"Wooww," my mother said looking at me. I wore a long red dress with a slit which exposed my leg.

"Yessss bitc-" Daya began then quickly corrected herself when she realized my mother and son were in the room. "I mean girl.."

I thanked them, then went to the vanity so i could fix my hair and apply makeup.

"[y/n]! Klay's here!!" My mom yelled.

I put my strappy heels on then grabbed my clutch. I looked at myself once more, sighing then stepping out my room.


I stared in awe as I watched you step out your room. You looked amazing, the most beautiful girl I've ever set my eyes on. I smiled getting up and hugging you.

"You look... Beautiful," I managed to say.

"Thanks," you grinned. We both said goodbye. Then left your condo.


"Klay, Klay!" Several reporters yelled as I opened the passenger door for you to step out. I offered my hand out for you to take and helped you out.

"You wanna speak to them?" I whispered to you as we both smiled and waved.

"Sure," you smiled, that beautiful smile. I nodded walking over to a reporter.

"Klay & [y/n], you look lovely tonight please tell me what you are wearing?"

"Thank you, just a Louis V suit for me," I smiled turning my attention to you.

"I kept it simple with some louboutins and this red gucci gown,"

"You look stunning, who did your makeup?"

"I did it myself," you smirked making me chuckle.

"Gorgeous," the reporter said fascinated. " Well I don't want to keep you too long. Have fun,"

We both smiled waving at her, stopped for a few pictures then walked into the building. We said hi to a few friends then found our seats next to Steph, Ayesha, Draymond and his date.


The bouquet of flowers landed in my hand, I looked around surprised as the girls around me cheered.

"Good Luck," Kyrie's wife (aka the bride) smiled hugging me.

I smiled heading over to the table where we were seated.

Steph and Dray smirked looking at both Klay and I.

"Guess we know whose wedding we going to next," Draymond cheesed dapping Steph up.

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