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By the time I woke up it was 3 in the afternoon. Klay was still knocked out. I smiled at how cute he looked asleep. I quietly left the room, rummaging for food in his fridge.

I settled for scrambled eggs and plain toasted bagels. I arranged both plates, adding a glass of juice to each tray. I checked Rocco's bowls and added water to one and dog food to the other.

"Here," I said going into Klay's dark room and handing him his tray. He rubbed his eyes, looking down at his tray.

"Thanks," he smiled stuffing the food into his mouth.

"Don't eat to fast; can't have you puking again," I laughed. He slowed down swallowing his food.

"Damn that was good," he smiled after taking the last bite of his food.

I smiled back taking his tray and washing the dishes. After chillin for a little he got in the shower and did all the hygiene stuff.

"Klay?" I heard someone say in the hallway.

I peeked my head out and saw his dad, and I believe his mother standing in the living room.

"Hi Mr. & Mrs. Thompson, Klay is in the shower," I said extending my hand to greet them.

"Oh I thought you left.. Mychel was supposed to be here," Mr. Thompson said surprised.

"As soon as I dropped him off he began throwing up, so I figured I'd keep an eye on him," I said reassuringly.


"Hey mom," I said coming out his bedroom.

"Ohh honey, are you okay? Did you eat? How is your ear? What can I hel-" Mom said hugging me.

"I'm fine mom" I said as she pinched my cheeks. "[y/n] took care of me."

She frowned looking back at you then examined her. I could tell you were uncomfortable but at this point nothing I could say would stop my mom from judging her. After we stood there awkwardly, she stuck out her hand shaking your hand.

"We brought you some stuff," Mom and dad said heading to the kitchen.

"I'll be there in a second" I said looking at you.

"I'm about to leave, I think you'll be fine now that your parents are here," you smiled taking her bag.

"Nah I think you should come back. My head still hurts a little," I said holding my head.

"Fine," you said playfully rolling your eyes.

"You know you like being with me," I smirked walking you to the door.

"Nah, you're the one that loves having me around," you laughed. "But it's actually kinda cute."

We both laughed, and I watched as you got into the uber. You waved at me, and i did the same closing the door. Then going into the kitchen.

"Rocco!" I yelled for my dog who came running in. I picked him up, running my hand through his fur. "What's up mom?"

"You like her don't you?" She asked cutting whatever she was making. I looked at her confused then remembered she was talking about [y/n].

"Nah, she's just a friend,"

"Klay, I know when my sons like a girl," She laughed. "Besides she seems like a nice girl, and I like her way more than that Hannah girl."

"Well that's good," I chuckled.

"What does she do? She should model, beautiful young girl,"

"She's Golden State's trainer. I know she's fine as hell," I sighed thinking about her.


I thanked the uber driver, going to the parking lot to get my car. I quickly drove to my house which was about a 15 minute drive. I showered and changed into a fitted tank top and some ripped denim shorts, with some bred 1s. I grabbed my northface backpack, then headed back to the stadium. I walked into the gym seeing the guys practicing.

"Hey," Coach Kerr said still looking at the guys as they scrimmaged.

"I won't be staying all practice, but I wanted to update you on Klay. He's doing better now, but I still want him to get checked by a head trauma specialist. As of now he's showing symptoms of a concussion, so he might be out for a week or two tops," I said looking at the guys play.

"Damn, alright. Thank you," He smiled.

I nodded and began walking out the gym, when I heard Steph call out my name. I turned to see him jogging near me, "How is he? He hasn't answered my calls."

"He couldn't use his phone last night, but he's better now. I'm about to go check on him later, if you wanna come,"

"Alright cool, and nah I'll leave you two alone," He smirked running back to the court before I could say anything.

I shook my head and left out the stadium. I called Klay to see if he was hungry, but he said his mom cooked and that I should go there to have dinner with them. I sat in the car staring at my phone, it's one thing to meet them and it's a whole different story to actually sit and have dinner with them. After much contemplation, I texted him back saying that coach had called me back to the stadium cause of an injured player. I know it was the most bullshit excuse, but I couldn't have dinner with his fam, at least not yet.

I quickly got out my car, heading back into the stadium and looked for Steph, who was no where to be found. After ten long minutes of running through hallways, I found him near the main entrance.

"Steph!" I yelled for him to turn around.

"I thought you left," he chuckled with a questioning look.

"That's not important right now, I need your help,"

"What happened?"

"This so out of character, but I told Klay that I couldn't eat dinner with his parents because a player was injured so I got called in, but then i realized that no one is actually injured, and if he finds out I lied, he'll probably hate me. I don't want him to hate me, I actually like him," I said out of breath,

"Okay calm down," he laughed after hearing what i had to say. "I'll tell Klay that it was me if he asks. Don't worry. Besides he likes you way too much, to get mad over something like that."


Twitter: __ashhhh
Tumblr: xgoldenvibesx

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