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"Can we leave now?" I complained tapping Zendaya's shoulder

"We just got here!" Daya said talking to some guy.

"Yeah like an hour ago," I mumbled to myself walking towards the back of the mansion. I sat at the bar, and ordered a drink going through my social media.

"I didn't know you had a social life," I turned to see Draymond approaching me with some of his teammates by his side.

"Shush," I laughed sipping my drink and greeting them. Whenever the guys would invite me out to the club after winning games, I always said no. Again, I wasn't much of a party girl so I usually stayed home or work. I don't know I honestly found no use of going to parties, I could have fun in the comfort of my own home. I browsed through the team noticing that Klay wasn't with them, which was kinda disappointing.

"He's in the front," Steph whispered sipping his drink. I looked at him, it's like he read my mind. I didn't say anything. I continued lingering outside, then wandered inside the mansion


Man this party sucks. I got up from my seat and began heading towards the door.

"No I don't fucking want you. Leave me alone!!!," I recognized the voice from somewhere, but I continued walking it was none of my business. "Bruh if you don't get the fuck off me-" Man her voice was familiar af, I began heading towards the voice and saw that it was you.

"Aye man get off her," I yelled pulling the man off of you. He tried arguing back, but I stiff armed him. I grabbed your hand and lead you out to the steps of the mansion.

"Thanks," you said, wiping down your dress. I stared at your butt and, your body which was nice and thick. You noticed me looking at you and cleared your throat.

"Ugh sorry," I said hiding my face a little.

"what you doing here?" You laughed quickly changing the subject.

"I don't know, my boys wanted me to come with them, but I'm not trynna stay here,"

"What? Klay Thompson, doesn't want to party?! Shocker," You joked looking surprised.

I chuckled, as we walked down the stairs, "I have my days. I should be talking about you, surprised to see you here."

"Zendaya dragged me here, she said I need to find a man," you shrugged brushing it off.

She doesn't have a boyfriend, that's shocking, "Damn I'd expect you to, I mean with you looking like that...Damn,"

You looked at me for a few seconds, then smiled to yourself, "I'll just take that as a compliment. Yo, you wanna get food, I'm hungry,"

I nodded, taking my car keys out my pocket. I texted Steph telling him I was heading out, then walked with you to the car.


"No I played in high school, then got a full ride in college, but I got injured," I laughed eating some of his fries.

"That explains your shooting," He laughed.

"No idiot it was my ankle," I jokingly rolled my eyes.

"Aww just like me, your role model," He said taking a sip out my drink.

"Nahh, I don't look up to people that go 1 for 10," I smirked referring to that one practice.

"Damn that's cold," He frowned.

"I was kidding," I laughed pinching his cheeks. "I know you be cashin out."

"Yeah that's what I thought,"

"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.

The night was fun, we ended up hanging out at a McDonald's till like three in the morning. The only reason we left is cause I had to pee, but the McDonald's bathroom was dirty. We got in his car and drove around to find a place that I could pee. Then we drove around listening to music. Around five I got sleepy so he took me home.

"Text me when you get home," I said closing the door behind me.

"I don't have your number," He chuckled sleepily.

"Right," I said reaching for his phone. I typed in my name and my number then handed it back to him. I waved at him then entered my apartment building heading up to my condo.

"BITCHHHHHH where were you?" Daya frowned as soon as I walked out.

"I was out with Klay," I said casually leaving my purse on the counter.

"Ooooh... Wait! Klay as in Klay Thompson?! Like from Golden State Warriors??" She said jumping over the couch.

"Yeah," I laughed taking off my heels and slipping into my bed.

"Whatttttt??? How?? I mean I know you a bad bitch but damn Klay??"

"Girll you know I'm their trainer & he just happened to be at the mansion party," I responded sleepily.

"Oh my god! I see it," she said stretching her hands out. "You and Klay having kids. Oh my god, yes bitch! I would be the godmother! Yes bitch I'm for it."

"Calm down," I laughed. "We're just friends.."

"Yeah for now," She continued rambling but I dosed off.


"Thompson you're late!!!" Coach Kerr yelled when I walked into the gym.

"My fault coach" I said jogging onto the court.

"See me after practice," He said then continued coaching.

Throughout practice I noticed that [y/n] wasn't there like she usually was and she didn't answer my text. She finally walked in, looking tired yet fine like always. She spoke to coach, but they were looking in my direction for a while. I shook it off and kept running the plays during our scrimmage. After practice I walked over to coach thinking of an excuse.

"[y/n] told me that you were with her before practice," Coach said not looking up from his keyboard. "Next time just let me know."

I nodded even though I had a confused look on my face. I shrugged it off, sitting on the bleacher..

"So how was it?!" Curry asked. He was the only one that knew what my night consisted of.

"It was cool. We just hung out, I didn't get home till like 5. I'm tired as hell," I said throwing my sweats on.

"That's why you came late," Steph chuckled. "At least she cheered you up."

Tumblr: xgoldenvibesx.tumblr.com
Twitter: __ashhhh

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