Chapter 7

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(A/n) don't play the song until I tell you to, also warning you may end up with a major case of feels after reading this chapter and the song just makes it that much better.

Flowey's POV:

Sans sat me down on his bed and asked me for help.

"So you know how you fell asleep and then she pranked you by pretending to fall down the stairs? Well I took that time while I was helping her to ask about some of the stuff she likes because I knew that sooner or later you would need my help."

"Ok so how am I gonna tell her?"

"Well, you're gonna-"

I whispered the rest to make sure that (y/n) couldn't hear me. I thought my plan was great and so did sans, although he did question it at first.

"Are you sure that will work?"

"Absolutely! Its 100% sure to work! But you'll need a few days to plan and prepare."

For this plan to work we would need to get papyrus' help too. That was step one, step two I need to get to the ground outside, but sans can help with that. I told sans to go to bed because he would need his rest if he wanted to pull this off.

Your POV:

Alphys left around 1:00am, she said goodnight and that we should do this again sometime. You fell asleep on the couch not long after that. You spent the next few days on the couch. You watched as sans and flowey came and went. Papyrus kept you company for a few hours a day and you spent most of that time solving puzzles with him.

Sans' POV:

It had been at least a week before I was ready. Flowey and I were the first to wake up, we went to the kitchen and flowey took every single piece of clothing out of (y/n)'s bag accept for the black and red dress and poured ravioli sauce on them. I thought he was crazy but it was all part of the plan. Papyrus woke up and went to the kitchen, flowey told him that he had spilled ravioli sauce all over the clothing and Pap's went to wash them. Pap's also left a note on the bag saying that her clothes were in the wash. When she woke up I was gone, it was flowey's turn to cover this part.

"Hey (y/n) I'm really sorry but when sans and I went to get breakfast we spilled ravioli sauce all over your clothes, but papyrus put them in the wash."

"Its ok flowey, did any of them survive the saucy mess?"

"Ya, the black and red dress did."

"Oh alright, I'll just wear that then, besides the black boots with heels will match it perfectly."

"Ok, you go change, I'm going out today, I need to take care of something quickly."

"Ok, have fun flowey."

I came back to get flowey, I handed him my iPod and he dove underground. Now it was my turn to carry out the plan. I went inside and waited on the couch in the living room. When (y/n) came out of the bathroom she looked gorgeous! She had her hair half pulled back and I think she was wearing makeup, she looked amazing in that dress.


My jaw dropped and was hanging.

"What sans? Is something wrong?"

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