Chapter 24

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Your POV:

Finally, after days of nonstop practice, you learned how to use your shapeshifting abilities.

"You did great for a nerd (y/n)!" Undyne complimented.

"Thanks, but this nerd needs a break. I haven't slept in three days!" You complained.

"Well, you can take a nap in the living room until sans comes to pick you up I guess." Undyne offered.

"Yes please!" You said as you shuffled your way into Undynes house and into the living room. You fell asleep as soon as you sat down on the couch.

Sans' POV:

"Man, its been three days....I wonder if she's alright." I asked myself.

"SANS!" papyrus called from the kitchen.



"OK! TELL HER I'LL BE RIGHT THERE." I told him before teleporting to Undynes.

When I got there, Undyne and Mettaton were in the kitchen and I overheard a conversation.

"I didn't think it was humanly possible to go three days like that without sleep!" Undyne whispered. (So she wouldn't wake you)

"Doesn't seem like that big a deal to me dear." Mettaton replied.

"Well ya, that's because you never sleep, you're a freaking robot, damn it!" Undyne whisper yelled.

I decided to walk up to them, I had heard enough.

"Hello soon to be dead people! Did I just hear you say you let my (y/n) go THREE FREAKING DAYS WITHOUT SLEEP?!!!" I was severely pissed.

".....we never thought to give her a break, that's all." Undyne explained.

"How do you forget about something like that?!" My eye started glowing.

"I'm not afraid of you edgy Mc. Emo bones, just take her home already! She's on the couch." Undyne said while pointing a spear at my face.

I growled and walked towards the living room. There, sleeping on the couch was a worn out, probably almost dead, princess. I walked over to her and shook her arm gently.

"Hey princess, time to go home." I whispered.

" everything hurts." She said as she sat up.

"Alright, up you go!" I said as I picked her up.

"Sans, what'r you doing?" She sleepily asked.

"Well, you're obviously in no shape to walk, so I'm carryin' ya! But if you object to this then-" I was cut off by the sound of her soft snoring. "I'll take that as a no!" I quietly chuckled to myself.

When I teleported home I put her in my bed, quietly closed the door and went to find papyrus. I looked all over the house, but he wasn't there. But then, I heard a noise coming from inside his closet.

"Paps, bro, you in there?" I asked.

"SANS? IS THAT YOU?" He asked, peaking out of the closet a bit.

"Uhhh, ya.....why are you in the closet?"

"There's a noise coming from the cupboard in the kitchen!" He whispered.

"So what? Its probably just a mouse or somethin', did you even bother checking to see what it was?"


"Of course you did bro. Ya know what, fine, I'll go see what it is!" I said, walking out of the room.

A Glimmer Of Hope (Underfell SansxReader)Where stories live. Discover now