Chapter 23

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(A/n) hey guys! This book will be coming to an end soon :( but I'm currently making another book, its not a sequel or anything like that, but I might be willing to make one. I would however need people to comment and say that they'd want one. Also, is anyone else watching "Yuri On Ice"? Anyways, onto the chapter!

Your POV:

As you sat at the table eating breakfast, you decided to take a look through the small book Alphys gave you. You flipped straight to the last 8 or so pages and began reading.

'I can't believe he actually looked at me today!'

"Ok, stalker alert much!" You said out loud to yourself.

"What'cha readin' sweetheart?" Sans asked as he moved closer to you.

"Oh, just the journal my mom and uncle kept when they were younger." You continued to read.

'Asriel thinks I'm waisting my time thinking about him, but how can I not?! He's just so perfect!' 'Dear journal, if Chara ever writes stuff like this in you again I promise to burn you'

"So, you didn't like dad uncle?" You asked him.

"Weeeeell, its....complicated. Let's just say I was an overprotective brother." He replied.

'He talked to me!!! And better yet, asked me out on a DATE! I'm so excited! Moms gonna help me with my hair and I'm going to wear the most beautiful light green dress!'

"I'm guessing this all happened before she changed...." You said.

"Ya, she used to be like one of those people who obsess over things even if they're not real and create drawings and stories about them!" Sans added.


"I believe the proper term is fangirl." Asriel corrected.

'I had a wonderful time with him! We did all sorts of things! But my favourite part was when he kissed me and asked for a second date!' 'I think Chara is starting to go through her goth faze. We've started hanging out less and she wears a lot of black and neon green. I'm kinda worried to be honest...'

You flipped to the very last page and read it.

'We're engaged! But I have another surprise! Turns out, the last time we uhh..."did it", was, in a way, successful! I'm pregnant! This child will be so very strong and magical, I will mold them like clay and make them just like me! Then, and only then will I be happy! No one must find out about my true intentions, so I am hiding this book in waterfall!'

"Wow, mom wants to use me for evil!" You said, closing the book and placing it in front of yourself.

"Don't worry, we're not gonna let her get to you!" Sans reassured.

"Alright, well, Mettaton and I should get going." You said, getting up and heading to the living room where Mettaton was waiting.

"OK, BE SAFE! KICK UNDYNES ASS FOR ME!" Papyrus called over his shoulder.

"Ok Mettaton, let's go." You told him.

"You sure you're ready?" He questioned.

"Yup, and this is a perfect opportunity to test out my teleportation skills!!!" You exclaimed. You focused hard and finally teleported Mettaton and yourself to Undynes.

Undynes POV:

Seriously? They were supposed to be here 30 seconds ago! C'mon (y/n)! I know you're not a morning person, but this isn't like you.

"AVADA KEDAVRA!!!" Someone shouted behind me. Next thing I knew, I was on the ground.

I flipped over to see who was on top of me, it was (y/n).

"Hey (n/n), nice of you to finally show up!" I laughed. "Let's get down to business!" I said as I got up and threw her off of me.

"Oh, is it time for me to help then?" Mettaton asked.

"Sure thing, but first, let's explain what you're gonna help (y/n) with." I replied.

"(Y/n), as you know, you put on quite a show when I kidnapped you. But, you didn't know how to use all of your powers. I'm going to teach you to use your shapeshifting abilities!" Mettaton explained.

(A/n) I am so sorry for not writing new chapters, I just haven't felt inspired to write anything.

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