Part 8 :"I heard you're a player. Nice to meet you, I'm the coach."

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So after breakfast, Ariel and I act naturally as we could; we have to look as innocently as possible. So here we are, having Disney animation marathon, then if we have time today, we will have Dreamwork marathon too, if not then tomorrow. The movie room of the pack house is amazing. It likes a miniature theater, with full of comfy chairs, cups holders, popcorn machine, and even a vending machine for snack. The interior design is really modern but cozy as the same time.

We settle for bean bags, since it’s more comfortable to us. First we started with Finding Nemo, we debated on what to watch first, but we couldn’t get anywhere with it so Alex-who’s still a little grumpy- picked out from Netflix. Joey and few other people from the pack join us as the marathon continues. We download Mulan- all two of them of course, Aladdin, Lion King, Chicken Little, Hercules, Monster Inc, Ratatouille, Tangled, The Incredibles, Toy story- all three of them, and last but not least Up. All of them are awesome!

I don’t even notice since when did Alpha Anderson and Luna come join us. Everybody is laughing and having a good time. We're like a big family on a movie night. I’m so happy that I get a chance to come here and be a part of this lovely pack.

When it’s about to be midnight, Alpha An. tells us that we need to go to sleep, since everybody has work to do tomorrow. A few groans here and there but nobody dares to disagree. Yup! the power of Alpha.

Ariel and I are singing together and holding the pop bottles as the mic : ‘Let’s get down to business, to defeat the Han… Did you send me daughter when I ask for son?...’ (it’s the coolest song from Mulan )

We’re about to go upstairs then suddenly, Alex and Joey stop us in the middle of the hall. Uh oh! Both of them spread their arms out and make a wall so we can’t pass by; they have dangerous look on their face. Aw fudge! please don’t tell me they find out that we are the one behind the pranks.

I pretend to act normally, “what’s up Alex, Joey?” I keep my voice casual.

Joey narrows his eyes; he speaks in a whisper but all of us can hear since we’re werewolves and all. “Nothing Lizzy. Just wonder if you guys know anyone that has trespassed into our room and freaking messed with us. They have the guts, I give them that.”

Ariel simply replies, “well I don’t know, I had a few drinks and so did Liz, so nope sorry, we can’t help you. I can barely remember when I passed out.”

Alex makes a threat, “If I find out how did it, I’ll make sure they pay.” He smirks.

I look at Ari then say, “what if I tell you we did it, what are you going to do then?” I look him straight in the eyes, make sure to not show any fear in my voice, even they looks scary as heck right now.

“Then we will show you that you guys have messed with the wrong people.” Joey declares and step over next to Alex.

I calmly push the guys aside and grab Ariel’s hands to go, I look back at them and say, “Let’s the game begin. May the best win!”

Ariel and I quickly run to my room, we lock the door and drop ourselves on the bed. We lay there in silent for few minutes. Ariel props herself on her hand and looks at me, her long, highlighted hair frames her face. She's really beautiful. She has perfect figure, 5'4, dresses in fasion. She's my 'sista from another mista!'

“What have you got us into Lizzy? Alex and Joey can be scary if they want to. I’m worry now.” She whispers as if she thinks that the guys are eavesdropping outside my door.

I smile at her. “Don’t worry Ari, they might be tough but I’m not going down without a fight. I will make sure that we win; I have some tricks up my sleeves that you don’t know yet.” I wink at her.

            She calms down a little. My wolf has been pissed that the guys have dared to threaten me. I have Alpha blood in me so I know my wolf won’t take this challenge lightly. She’s already planning what to do next inside my head.

            I tell Ariel, “The important thing right now is we have to be really careful, so even if they prank us, it will do us less damage. We have to start planning now, or it will be too late.”

            She nods in agreement; she smiles sheepishly at me then suggests, “Can I bring my stuff over so I can sleep with you? Since they plan on attack us, we will have more advantage if we’re together.”

            I happily help her to get her things and settle them in my room. It’s like a sleepover that I’ve never had before. Then we begin brain-storming ideas for our plan, it just gets better and better. Let’s just say, Alex and Joey won’t know what hits them.


Hope you guys like that :))

Lizzy and Ariel's pair shirts are on the side :D

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